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Thread: Aitch for H new to this forum

  1. #1
    New Member
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    La Coruña North Spain
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    Red face Aitch for H new to this forum

    'H' is for Howard. I am new to this kind of forum (and most other kinds too). I guess I am a technical economic accademic translator. This means that I speak to wizzened people wearing jam jar bottom glasses about wildly exciting things like human capital and health indicators. Basically I translate from Spanish into English for economic journals, normally those that are cited in econlit, or other accademic point-scoring indexes. I feel a bit lost at times because I rarely come into contact with other professional translators and, when I do, they are often, 'volume' rather than 'quality' oriented. I live in La Coruña in Northern Spain and do most of my work for the universities here, but, and here is the biggy, I am technically autistic. I do have a 'CAT' but it eats tuna fish and has a tail. TM? total moron perhaps? I have more than a hundred articles published but don't use any technical software. Help, please! I have a wife and 24 children to support, although all of these are illigitimate, wife included. Question about translation software is a serious one i.e. an intelligent corpus of literature as a time saving device, can anyone guide me?

  2. #2
    Senior Member lauracipolla's Avatar
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    hi, H (aitch),
    great presentation! you really made me laugh. besides welcoming you to this great forum, which will certainly help you (and of course ask for your help with those interesting subjects, no doubt) two comments: 1) I'd advise you to learn how to use TRADOS asap! your life will be different (and you won't have to legalize your marriage or kids!). I had been a translator for ...so many... years and learnt how to use this tool just 4 months ago, and I assure you it's worth the two hours it'll take you to learn (try to get a colleague with experience to couch you, that's the easiest way). 2) if there's a place in the world I'd love to visit is La Coruña, and you may not understand why, but it's because of a book my father gave me when I was maybe 12, "La casa de la troya", set in that place I just loved from reading the author's descriptions. I have always felt I had been there since then... just wanted to mention it.

    welcome again. greetings from Argentina!

  3. #3
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    Default Thanks a million

    I know this is the age of communication, but that was a real "swifty". Thank you for your advice and generous comments. La Coruña is a wonderful place, cheap, pretty, friendly and well worth a visit. I am sure we will be in touch again. Take care, H.

  4. #4
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aitch
    I have a wife and 24 children to support, although all of these are illigitimate, wife included.

    Entonces tu mujer no es como la de mi firma, supongo.....

    Bienvendio al foro.

  5. #5
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aitch
    La Coruña is a wonderful place, cheap, pretty, friendly and well worth a visit.

  6. #6
    Registered User LaMariposa47's Avatar
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    H, mucho gusto y bienvenido .... that being said, I have no further comment. Even if I did, I wouldn't know where to start.

    You're amongst (among?) friends!


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