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Thread: Behoove

  1. #1
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    Question Behoove

    El fragmento donde aparece el término es el siguiente: "He is not able to discriminate between the coins, and often confuses the nickel for the dime. He was not able to solve problems that asked him to calculate change. Leonel is not able to solve words problems, and demonstrated difficulty using cue words to use the correct function. It would behoove Leonel to learn the cue words and assign the correct function with it. He also should work on measurement problems." calculo que la idea es: le vendría bien, lo favorecería..estoy en lo corecto???gracias

  2. #2
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Default Re: Behoove

    Si, paulacava. Puedes usar también
    sería conveniente, favorable.
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Behoove

    "To behoove" is a rather formal word. In informal situations, one could say "You should, in would be in your best self interest to, you ought to..."

    I heard angry boss tell his secretary, "Le interesa/interesaría hacerlo." I don't remember what he wanted her to do, but the meaning was quite clear, "It would behoove you to do it." Just another possibility.

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