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Thread: please help to translate this

  1. #1
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    Default please help to translate this

    "El Aplastamiento de las gotas" is a story by Julio Cortazar, published in an illustrated edition (illustrator Elena Odriozola).
    I know that it literally means "The crushing of the drops" - but can anyone come up with a better translation.
    The drops in question are raindrops which are falling down window panes and literally being wiped out. But the title also refers to the depressing effect of continual rain.
    Any ideas???

    Muchas gracias.

  2. #2
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    Default please help to translate this

    "El Aplastamiento de las gotas" is a story by Julio Cortazar, published in an illustrated edition (illustrator Elena Odriozola).
    I know that it literally means "The crushing of the drops" - but can anyone come up with a better translation.
    The drops in question are raindrops which are falling down window panes and literally being wiped out. But the title also refers to the depressing effect of continual rain.
    Any ideas???

    Muchas gracias.

  3. #3
    Contributing User nicolasm's Avatar
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    Default Re: please help to translate this

    Hola Maeve,

    ¿Porqué no nos das tu versión? de esa manera será mucho más fácil que podamos ayudarte con correcciones desde varios puntos de vista...



  4. #4
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    Default Re: please help to translate this

    I read the poem and, as so often happens, I can't think of a word in English that will fully capture "aplastamiento" in the structure "The [word] of the drops". Perhaps you should play around with the order of the words and try something like "Raindrops Splattering on the Ground".

    What do you think of that?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: please help to translate this

    Quote Originally Posted by ScottJ
    I read the poem and, as so often happens, I can't think of a word in English that will fully capture "aplastamiento" in the structure "The [word] of the drops". Perhaps you should play around with the order of the words and try something like "Raindrops Splattering on the Ground".

    What do you think of that?
    How about "the washed down splattered raindrops..."

  6. #6
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    Default Re: please help to translate this

    I agree that with ScottJ. I can't think of any way to translate this literally that keeps the double meaning. I think it has to be changed a little. Maybe something like The Gloom of Rain/Melancholy Rain/Dark Rainy Day?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: please help to translate this

    and how about the weary splattering of the raindrops?...

  8. #8
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    Default Re: please help to translate this

    "El Aplastamiento de las gotas" is a story by Julio Cortazar, published in an illustrated edition (illustrator Elena Odriozola).I know that it literally means "The crushing of the drops" - but can anyone come up with a better translation. The drops in question are raindrops which are falling down window panes and literally being wiped out. But the title also refers to the depressing effect of continual rain. I agree that with ScottJ. I can't think of any way to translate this literally that keeps the double meaning. I think it has to be changed a little. Maybe something like The Gloom of Rain/Melancholy Rain/Dark Rainy Day?

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