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Thread: Youtube and lessons - are they accurate?

  1. #1
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    Question Youtube and lessons - are they accurate?

    Hi. I've noticed comments by people who seem to be native speakers, correcting and claiming that many of the lessons on Youtube are inaccurate or wrong.

    Many of the vids look like clips from published main stream materials.

    I am not a translator, I'm only a beginner in the language but I wanted to get the opinion of expert translators.

  2. #2
    Contributing User nicolasm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Youtube and lessons - are they accurate?

    Hi John,

    I don't which YouToube videos you are talking about, maybe Cat Tools tutorials? I do nt believe those could be completely wrong, perhaps they lack of specific content or major explanations... but I'm just assuming that.

    Maybe you can provide the links so we can discuss that

    Take care!


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