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Thread: Redneck Road Kill

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Default Redneck Road Kill

    So there were three rednecks walking down a country road. They find a dead opossum that was ran over.

    The 1st redneck says, "that there looks tasty"!

    The 2nd redneck says, "I don't much like opossum."

    The 3rd redneck says, "I'm a waitin for something better.

    So... the 1st redneck eats the opossum.

    Then, down the road they find a dead rabbit.

    The 1st redneck says he's full. The 2nd redneck says he likes rabbit and the 3rd redneck says he's still waitin for something better.

    So... the 2nd redneck eats the rabbit.

    Further down the road the first two rednecks who ate the opossum and the rabbit start barfing like crazy.

    The 3rd redneck says, "Finally, a nice warm meal.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Redneck Road Kill

    Q: Do you know what is black and blue and floats?

    A: People who tell redneck jokes.

    You probably wouldn't make a good pimple on a redneck's butt.

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