I was trying to remember some good knock knock jokes the other night and I could not think of any that were worth repeating...any suggestions?
I was trying to remember some good knock knock jokes the other night and I could not think of any that were worth repeating...any suggestions?
Here is a couple which are not too good, but not a bad start either
Kock Kock
who is it?
Nunya who?
nunya business
Kock Kock
who is it?
Justin who?
Justin time for another joke
Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
Gordon B. Hinckley
Here are two more...
Knok knock
Who's there?
Norma Lee
Norma Lee who?
Normalee I don't go around knocking on doors but do you want to buy a set of encyclopedias???
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Ali who?
Alittle old man who can't reach the doorbell!!!
Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
Trygve Halvdan Lie
Hahaha, those are good ones guys, thanks! I will have to send them to some friends. If i think of more, i will put them up
hahahah I really liked the one that has my name on it!!
hahaha I actually laughed with the little old man joke :P
But have you ever been able to tell a knock-knock joke successfully to someone who speaks another language? Just like translating any other joke... does it convey?
I tried telling my mom (Argentine) a knock-knock joke once...
What's there?/ Si?
No, Knock-knock
Que te tengo q decir???
Who's there? (por finnnnnnn!)
Un que?!
It was hilarious.
Jokes really are the most difficult...
that´s so funny carlam!
I imagine the situation, you trying to ´teach´ the joke...jajajaj
yeah, jokes are the most difficult across cultures...
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