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Thread: Translating humour, the surviving joke

  1. #1
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default Translating humour, the surviving joke

    As the subject kindly says, "What’s more difficult to translate than a joke?"

    This thread in particular has the objective of finding jokes that survive the translating.

    For example:

    How to go from Dentist to Neurosurgeon really fast?
    With a Sneeze!
    In Spanish:
    ¿Como pasar de Dentísta a Neurocirujano rápidamente?
    Con un estornudo!
    As the irrational fear for dentists kicks in (or comes back) the joke remains funny.

    So I invite you all to share a joke that makes it, that survives the language barrier, that helps with the ice-breaking at meetings, that may help you in the beginning of a speech that unites us as human beings with sense of humour.

  2. #2
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Translating humour, the surviving joke

    Joke of the day! El chiste del día!

    A Drunk man walks into a library and orders fish and chips.
    The librarian says, "this is a library."
    The man, says, "oh. Sorry." (Then in a whisper) "I'd like some fish and chips."
    In Spanish:
    Un borracho entra a una biblioteca y dice: ME DA UN CHORI CON PAPAS!
    La bibliotecaria dice: "Señor esto es una biblioteca"
    :- "uh disculpe señora, (en tono bajito) "me da un chori con papas"

  3. #3
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Translating humour, the surviving joke

    Chiste de la tarde! Afternoon Joke!

    "Cariño, soñé algo de raro!, soñé que encontraba una caja gigante la abría y dentro había un diamante! justo hoy en mi cumpleaños, ¿Que querrá decir?
    :-Seguro que en la cena de esta noche lo vas a averiguar, dijo su novio guiñandole un ojo.
    A la noche en el restaurante los 2 solos, le da una pequeña caja, la cual abre emocionadísima. Dentro había:
    un libro de bolsillo que decía "El significado de los sueños"
    "Honey, I had the weirdest dream!, I dreamed that I found a big box and inside there was this giant diamond! and right on my birthday, ¿What could it mean?
    :- I'm sure that, at dinner tonight, you will find out. Said her boyfriend winking his eye.
    So that night at the restaurant, just the two of them, he hands her a little box, bursting with emotion, she opens the box, inside was:
    A pocket size book: "The meaning of dreams"
    Come on, contribute with a bilingual joke! If you can make a PUN bilingual joke even better!

  4. #4
    Moderator AnabellaG's Avatar
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    Default Re: Translating humour, the surviving joke

    Ok, here I go...

    A child asked his father, "How were people born?" So his father said, "Adam and Eve made babies, then their babies became adults and made babies, and so on." The child then went to his mother, asked her the same question and she told him, "We were monkeys then we evolved to become like we are now." The child ran back to his father and said, "You lied to me!" His father replied, "No, your mom was talking about her side of the family."

    Un niño le pregunta a su padre: "¿Cómo nacieron las personas?" A lo que su padre le dice: " Nosotros descendemos de Adán y Eva, ellos hicieron bebés, luego sus bebés se convirtieron en adultos y ellos tuvieron otros bebés, y así sucesivamente". El niño entonces fue con su madre, y le hizo la misma pregunta y ella le dijo: "Éramos monos y desde entonces hemos evolucionado a ser como somos ahora". El niño corrió hacia su padre y le dijo: "Me mentiste!" Su padre le respondió: "No, tu madre estaba hablando de su lado de la familia".

  5. #5
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Translating humour, the surviving joke

    Jajajaja!! Muy bueno!

    Sumo uno más!

    I never wanted to believe that my Dad was stealing from his job as an Aircraft Marshall.
    But when I got home, all the signs were there.
    Nunca quise creer que mi Papá robaba en su trabajo como maniobrador en el aeropuerto.
    Pero cuando llegué a casa, todas las señales estaban ahí.

  6. #6
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Translating humour, the surviving joke

    Starting the week, Monday joke!

    I told my friends:
    Y'all drew your eyebrows too high.
    They seemed surprised to hear that.
    Les dije a mis amigas,
    Se pintaron las cejas demasiado alto.
    Parecían sorprendidas al escucharlo.
    Have a great start Lads, Gents, and Others!

  7. #7
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Translating humour, the surviving joke

    Trying to keep this alive! Night joke!

    Went to a wedding that said "black tie only" on the Invite.
    But when I got there, everyone else was in tuxedos and dresses .
    Me llegó una invitación para un casamiento donde decía "Solo moño y corbata"
    Sin embargo, cuando llegué estaban todos de traje y vestido.
    Aunque me parece que Tuxedo, conocido acá como Smoking puede llevar al siguiente chiste

    Me llegó una invitación para un casamiento donde decía "Solo Smoking"
    Al parecer no quieren fumadores pasivos...

  8. #8
    Moderator AnabellaG's Avatar
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    Default Re: Translating humour, the surviving joke

    Veamos si este funciona

    A man went to the circus to find a job.
    The boss asked him: What do you know how to do?
    The man says, “I…imitate birds.”
    The boss answers, “Well…we’re not interested, thanks.”
    …and the man flew away.

    Un hombre va al circo en busca de empleo.
    El director le pregunta: “- ¿Y usted qué sabe hacer?” .
    El hombre dice, “Yo…imito pájaros”.
    El director responde, “bueno… creo que no nos interesa, gracias.”
    … y el hombre se fue volando.

  9. #9
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Translating humour, the surviving joke

    FUNCIONA!! jajajajaaj
    Quote Originally Posted by AnabellaG View Post
    Veamos si este funciona

    A man went to the circus to find a job.
    The boss asked him: What do you know how to do?
    The man says, “I…imitate birds.”
    The boss answers, “Well…we’re not interested, thanks.”
    …and the man flew away.

    Un hombre va al circo en busca de empleo.
    El director le pregunta: “- ¿Y usted qué sabe hacer?” .
    El hombre dice, “Yo…imito pájaros”.
    El director responde, “bueno… creo que no nos interesa, gracias.”
    … y el hombre se fue volando.

  10. #10
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Translating humour, the surviving joke

    Para Lingüísticos! For Linguists!

    A condescending Professor at the University was giving a lecture on Linguistics for the new students
    "As you may know, in our Latin based language a double negative forms a positive. In some other languages though, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. However, there is no language where a double positive can form a negative."
    A voice from the back of the room piped up, "Yeah, right."
    Un soberbio Profesor estaba dando un certamen en la universidad para los nuevos estudiantes:
    "Como sabrán, en nuestro lenguaje de base en Latín, una doble negativa forma una positiva, aunque en otros lenguajes, como el de Rusia, una doble negativa no cambia, sigue siendo negativa.
    Sin embargo, no hay ningún lenguaje en el que una doble POSITIVA forme una negativa"
    Una voz desde el fondo del auditorio dijo: "Si, claro."

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