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Thread: Jokes

  1. #21
    Contributing User
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    Default a classic

    Take my wife, please!

  2. #22
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    No lo conozco... ¿me explicas?

  3. #23
    Contributing User marisa_dg's Avatar
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    Pero David! que pasa con vos...
    era solo un chistonto...
    no lo tomes así............................

  4. #24
    Contributing User marisa_dg's Avatar
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    No te enojes de vuelta, pero acá va otro....

    - Hola, hablo con la farmacia?
    - Si
    - Está firol?

  5. #25
    Senior Member Nadia D's Avatar
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    Ja ja ja!! Espero que el resto entienda qué es Tafirol!!

  6. #26
    Contributing User marisa_dg's Avatar
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    Bueno, en todo caso sería un chiste localizado...

  7. #27
    Senior Member Nadia D's Avatar
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    je je... Así es, Marisa!

  8. #28
    New Member 'enry'iggins's Avatar
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    Default 2 jokes

    here's 2 joke's I wrote

    once there was an astronaught who was standing on his front porch, sighing and looking up at the stars in the night sky. His wife came out and saw how preoccupied he looked, and she asked of him, "Darling, what's the matter?"
    The astronaught said, "Eh? Oh nothing, I was just thinking about work."

    una vez habia una astronauta quien estaba parada en su porche, suspirando y mirando hacia arriba a las estrellas. Su esposa venio afuera de la casa y vio a el y le pregunto "Que te preocupas?"
    La astronauta la dijo, "Eh? O, no hay nada. Yo solo estaba pensando en trabajo."

    It was some years ago when a woman chained herself to a tree to defend it from a horde of lumberjacks. This gave them great trouble, and the foreman had to think a while on what to do. Finally he decided that a magician bring his saw and cut the woman in half without doing her any harm, and so it was done.
    From now on, I think it will have to be men who chain themselves to trees, cause I have never heard of a magician sawing a man in half, and I do not think they know how to do it!

    hacia unos anos atras cuando una mujer se encadeno a un arbol en el bosque, tratando a defenderlo de una banda de criados. Esto causo mucho desorden entre ellos, y el jefe tuvo que pensar un rato solvar el problema. Finalmente, el llamo que una magico traiga su sierra cortar la mujer en mitad sin darla ningun dano, y asi se lo hizo.
    De ahora en adelante, creo que tendran que ser hombres los que encadenarse contra arboles, porque jamas he oido de los magicos cortando en mitad los hombres, y no creo que saben hacerlo!
    Last edited by 'enry'iggins; 09-19-2007 at 05:10 PM.

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