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Thread: Google Translate

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Google Translate

    Gracias! Pero por ahora voy a seguir usando Google que es Gratis

  2. #12
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Google Translate

    ¡Muy buena decisión!

    De hecho, son muchísimos los usuarios que coinciden con tu decisión por la relación entre costos y beneficios de todas las alternativas posibles en este preciso momento.

    Cabe destacar algo que es importante: la industria de la traducción automática es muy reciente, razón por la cual todos las empresas participantes de este segmento están en constante cambio, en constante evolución y mejoran su servicio de atención al cliente (que requiere incorporar las novedades) y su producto (para que la calidad del texto que producen sea más correcta gramaticalmente y consistente).

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Google Translate

    i cannot understand the reply you have given moderator because the language is unknown to be. my suggestion to the thread is "taking risk by using multiple translator is waste of time. at the end you wont get 100% accurate result. so always get help from professional translator".

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Google Translate

    Hi Lee Shin
    well, I guess it all depends on needs and expectations. If you just need to know something to have an idea for personal use, well, in that case, a machine translation might be a good choice...

  5. #15
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Google Translate

    Today human translators EN>ES are undoubtedly much better than machine translation.

    With human translators, the English syntax is converted into a more fluent Spanish syntax (not a mere mirror because Spanish is another language with other grammar rules).

    With human translators, words with different meanings in the target text (Spanish) are clearly stated so that communication flows and there are not mistakes as to 'funny meanings.'

    With human translators, customers' preferences are strictly cared for to ensure consistency in the marketing material and its in-house labelling and products.


    Human translators need time to work. And some projects should be delivered in less time. In this case, machine translation might be a good choice, of course, when reviewed by human translators.

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Google Translate

    I think Google translation is the best machine translation

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Google Translate

    Most likely, but still not flawless. It still needs human input.

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Google Translate

    Quote Originally Posted by francot View Post
    Most likely, but still not flawless. It still needs human input.
    Yeah agreed

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Google Translate

    One interesting fact about Google Translate. I am a frequent (sort of heavy) user of MT, using the Google engines integrated with MemSource (that offers both options, statistical and neural).

    In any case, I always have the feeling that the engine Google offers for GTT (and Google Translate) works slightly better than the one offered with the integration. I have found examples regarding grammar, terminology, proper nouns, etc.). Does anyone there agree with my statement?

  10. #20
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    Default Re: Google Translate

    Hi gentle,
    The other day, I tested the engine in Memosource with an article about Venezuela's economy. It was curious to see that the name of a virtual newspaper called La Patilla was translated as The Pin.
    I have to admit that titles are always tricky, even for humans.

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