Use of wildcards for terms in a termbase
I was wondering if anyone knows about the use of wildcards for a MemSource's termbase.
For example, my client wants no spacing between digits and the % symbol. I thought I might be able to use something like regular expressions or MS Word wildcards as for xBench. In other words, use regular expressions to assign any digit and number of digits before the symbol, and no spacing in between.
Re: Use of wildcards for terms in a termbase
Hi gentle
So, you mean using a wildcard to look for a space between the digit and %? I´ve tried with a termbase in Memsource but Im not seeing any difference than when looking for % by itself.
Did I understand correctly?
You already have that in the termbase and you need to correct the termbase? or you need it to use it for the future?
Re: Use of wildcards for terms in a termbase
I'm sorry! I know my question is not that simple. When translating EN>ES, my client wants me to use no spacing between the figure itself and the symbol. Sometimes I get some colleagues to help me and want all of us to use the same reference termbase. Also, I would like to run the QA on my MemXliff files with the chance to spot mistakes when applying this said rule.
I've entered the % symbol as a termbase entry with a warning about not using that spacing. So far, so good, but I still get dozens of items to check (whether right or wrong, or with or without that spacing).
I was thinking about entering a forbidden term that would let me check for that and nothing else. Just to do so, I need that entry to "support" all different digits (from 0 to 9) in as many figures as possible (all combinations such as 98.5% or 25%, or even 157%). I'm thinking this could only be achieved by means of regular expressions.
I will try to surf the web or get a response from MemSource's support. Stay tuned!
Re: Use of wildcards for terms in a termbase
I see.
I was thinking of doing it by means of the forbidden terms.
It would be good if you could do something like #%, and ##% and ###%. We would need to find the way of adding to these # the attribute of being any digit, but I don´t know how...
I´ll check on my side as well.
Re: Use of wildcards for terms in a termbase
Yeap...That pound sign you use would be the kind of wildcard I'm looking for.
Meanwhile, I've got a response from Tech Support stating that unfortunately there is no wildcard for the TB. I quote: "I am afraid the only thing you can do is add the term “%” and a Note stating “no space between number and %”. However, this will not be checked when you run the final QA."
One thing they propose is that, when the translation is done, we may filter " " (with space) in the target column and that all segments with space+ will be shown for checking. I suppose I should use the quotation marks, the space and the % symbol altogether.
Re: Use of wildcards for terms in a termbase
I this " %", right?
And is there a way to add this to the QA Settings? Like when you create a script for XBench?