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Thread: Filters in MS Excel

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Filters in MS Excel

    Hi Memsource people!

    I´m working on a huge excel file, with many tabs and each tab having many filters.
    I´ll be doing some tests before confirming wordcount... but I thought it would be a good idea to double check here with you as well.

    When you have the filters applied, I guess Memsource does not include that hidden text, right? Let´s say Memsource works same way as with hidden tabs, rows, etc, correct?

    So, if I wanted to make sure all text to be translated, I should go ahead and uncheck all filters...

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Filters in MS Excel

    If you want to translate all you don't need unhide/unfilter all. you can check "Import hidden columns, hidden rows, and hidden sheets" option under "MS Excel".

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Filters in MS Excel

    I know that you can hide either columns or rows and leave that box Salvadorm mentions unchecked if you want text not display in the MemXliff file (and, therefore, not accounted for). However, I'm not sure what happens if you have an Excel spreadsheet with filters. I'm afraid MemSource may turn those filters off when converting the file into MemXliff format...Have you tried doing so? Did it work?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Filters in MS Excel

    Hi gentlemen
    No, I haven´t tried that.
    So, Salvador, what you are saying is that keeping the filters applied but checking for the hide rows, etc does the same thing as if I unchecked all filters?
    Im not sure whether that option for hide cells, rows, tabs applies for filters, because they are not being mentioned in the given options...

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Filters in MS Excel

    Well, I happened to work with an Excel file with filters. I did not unfilter anything, but when I uploaded it to Memsource, I got a full word count (including filtered/unfiltered cells). When you hide/unhide columns and rows the WC changes as usual.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Filters in MS Excel

    mmmm, aha...
    So, Daniel, you mean that Memsource counted all full wordcount even though you had some filters applied? So, word count is independent of filters then? and what should we do if we need to exclude part of that text in the filters?

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