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Thread: Reality Music Competition...

  1. #1
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    Default Reality Music Competition...

    Does anyone watch reality competition programs like, American Idol, The Voice and The X-Factor? Wait, let's broaden the selection to others such as So you think you can Dance and Dancing With the Stars. Which is your favorite and how real do you think the program really is? I am interested in hearing your replies!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Reality Music Competition...

    I really do not watch these shows, as having a toddler in the house the tv is mainly always on the disney channel and kids shows, but from time to time I watch portions of these shows. My parents watch the Voice, dancing with the stars, so you think you can dance, and the x factor. From what I've seen I really like so you think you can dance, I believe that one and the voice seem to be the most real ones. X factor, I don't like the show at all. I think it's fake and I don't understand the whole putting people on TV that you know can't sing etc. I find that to be humiliating. American Idol does the same thing. Dancing with the stars is entertaining but I'm not so sure how real it is, as just this season Christina Milian got voted off and she danced amazingly. But I'm not much for reality TV because I believe most of them are fake and for that I rather watch Revenge, Nashville, and American Horror Story.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Reality Music Competition...

    Thank you kvillanueva for sharing your thoughts. I didn't know Christina Milian was on Dancing with the Stars. How could they vote her off?! She's an awesome dancer! Hmmmm pretty much compounds our thoughts that these reality shows aren't real at all. I agree with you in regards to putting people on state that can't sing just to humiliate them for entertainment is horrible! I don't get to watch much TV also which is a good thing sort of since the variety of programs leaves much to be desired.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Reality Music Competition...

    I'm not a fan of reality shows at all but with regards to the Reality music competition, I think it's a great way to give opportunities to those who aren't already in the industry. I watch X-factor, I think it's one of the best mainly because of the judges that they have but Simon is too exaggerated with his comments and American Idol I think it's also great to allow those who don't have the chance in the music industry to get to the top, for example Phillip Phillps (that's his real name) he was grown up in a very humble family and now he tours with alot of well known artists as the opening act like Matchbox 20 and John Mayer (who I saw in concert and he was good!).

  5. #5
    Moderator Jonatane's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reality Music Competition...

    I do not like that kind of program. The only ones who benefit from the reality shows are the producers and organizers. You have to be a very good musician to make your way after you have won one of those reality shows. Very few become great artists, almost none would say and your success is very short.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Reality Music Competition...

    Yeah, just like Jonatane says, the producers get revenues by the show and by the generally ephemeral succes of the winner, some months after, all the people forget the "great artist" that win the contest, they get revenues using the people's hopes and dreams, really awful.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Reality Music Competition...

    Thanks for the replies everyone. I agree that Simon is very exaggerated and that it is awful to make money by exploiting people and their dreams. I think American Idol starting off with good intentions and did launch the careers of Kelly Clarkson & Carrie Underwood as did Simon's X-Factor UK launched the boy band One Direction. That being said as the show's popular popularity grew it became all about the money it generates. Agree or disagree?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Reality Music Competition...

    I must agree with you, Brapoza....this is just the way reality shows work.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Reality Music Competition...

    Yes chris.r, sad but so true. They should not call them reality shows either as it is quite clear that it's fake. Just a thought.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Reality Music Competition...

    As an update. The X Factor winners this year is a couple from right here in Florida. Alex & Sierra has the X-Factor. Wish them the best of luck! They have won a 1 million dollar recording contract with Sony records. Maybe they will take off....like the UK X Factor band....One Direction. Hey you never know!

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