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Thread: Freelance Translating As A Career?

  1. #1
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    Default Freelance Translating As A Career?

    I live in the US, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me about freelance translating? Is it something you can do from home and actually earn decent money, as in $30,000 a year or more? Or is it something one does on the side for extra cash? In addition, is the market for translating Spanish to English saturated, and if so, how much? Thanks for all your help.

  2. #2
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Freelance Translating As A Career?

    As always, since you are a freelancer, it's difficult to foresee how much you will earn. Nonetheless, if you work all day and everyday for the translation of a big project or many smaller projects one right after the other, you can make that money a year. The workload is the key, and the workload is determined by the agency or the corporation you work for.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Freelance Translating As A Career?

    I used to work as a freelance DTP. I live in Argentina and I worked for local and foreign clients. I had good times and bad times and I earned some decent money. But I never had the economic security that a stable job gives you.

  4. #4
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Freelance Translating As A Career?

    Hola a todos.

    Me encanta tener la oportunidad de hablar con personas angloparlantes porque veo cómo fluye el idioma naturalmente. En esta oportunidad, me gustaría detenerme a analizar la expresión tan coloquial del inglés "decent money".

    Un solo término "decent" resume magistralmente un concepto largo y tan delicado como la "capacidad derivada de un monto determinado de dinero para cubrir todos los gastos atinentes a la vida diaria promedio de una persona en un momento dado".

    ¿Cómo se traduciría al español ese "decent"? Y, más complicado aún, ¿cómo se diría en español la situación opuesta? Es decir, cuando el dinero es "indecent" o no es el suficiente para vivir.

    Un tema muy actual y global.

  5. #5
    New Member barbyeary's Avatar
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    Default Re: Freelance Translating As A Career?

    Here's the list of best online translation agencies published by Pick Writers.
    I think you should contact them and you will find work.

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