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Thread: Does this make gramatical sense?

  1. #1
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    Default Does this make gramatical sense?

    does this make sense?
    paella de pollo y gambas


    1. 30 milímetros (2 cucharadas) de aceite de oliva
    2. 450 gramos (1 lb) de pollo
    3. Una cebolla
    4. 1 diente de ajo
    5. 1 Pimiento rojo
    6. 225 gramos arroz
    7. 900 ml de caldo de pollo
    8. 100 g de judías verdes
    9. 225g de gambas

    (Picar la cebolla, pimientos rojos y amarillo y las judías verdes. Aplastar la ajo.)

    1. Freír el pollo hasta que se dore, luego retírelo de la sartén.
    2. Freír la cebolla y el ajo en el aceite caliente durante 4-5 minutos y luego agregar la pimienta y el arroz. Cocine por 1 minuto, agregue el caldo de pollo. hervir, luego hervir a fuego lento.
    3. Regrese el pollo a la sartén y agregue las judías verdes. Sazone con sal y pimienta negro. Cocine durante 10 minutos, revolviendo con frecuencia hasta que casi todo el líquido haya sido absorbido.
    4. agregue las gambas y revuelva suavemente

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Does this make gramatical sense?


    It's more or less like your other post.

    Just a few tips:

    *Try to keep units in the same way throughout the text: either "g" or "gramos"
    *Normally, verbs in recipies take the imperative form: fría, regrese, agregue. Try not to mix between the infinitive form and the imperative one. In thisway, your text will be more consistent.
    *Ajo is masculine so it takes "el" instead of "la"

    Other than that, I think you're good to go!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Does this make gramatical sense?

    Thanks ***

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Does this make gramatical sense?

    For "30 milímetros (2 cucharadas) de aceite de oliva", I assume you want to say 30 mm3 (volume unit) and not a unit for length.

    Also, I believe that for recipes it's better to use metrics converted into ml (milliliters) instead.

    Lookout always for consistency in capitalization. In this case, "Pimiento amarillo" needs to be in lower case.

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