View Poll Results: Hillary or Obama?

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  • Hillary

    8 40.00%
  • Obama

    12 60.00%
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Thread: Clinton or Obama???

  1. #11
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Although I have no vote in this electoral contest, I completely agree with you Sara. Yet, I must confess that I would like to see a woman (hopefully a sensitive, skilled and highly knowledgeable one) taking over the US Presidential seat one day

    Kind regards !!

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    Gordon B. Hinckley

  2. #12
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    Obama is picking up a lot of steam!!!!!!!!!!! its getting interesting....

  3. #13
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    I am hearing good things about him. I also like his wife's attitude in the campaigne, sincere, but respectful and at a certain distance. I do hope, if he is elected, that she is not going to turn out like Hillary.

  4. #14
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    I am no foreign policy expert by any means, but Bill Clinton certainly seems to have done a lot to strengthen the relationship between the US and countries south of the United States. The previous century had been defined by an ever-expanding hegemony and dominance of the United States' influence over its hemisphere neighbors. It's worth remembering the CIA-backed overthrows throughout Central America and Brazil, Chile, etc. After all of that time, which includes a good amount of the Reagan administration and Bush, Sr. (who was the head of the CIA when the CIA-backed coups were taking place!!!!), Clinton actively worked towards repairing the trust gap between the US and its neighbors to the south. I have eard people say nothing but respectful and positive things abut Bill Clinton in my travels throughout South America. I also haven't seen anything that would give me the idea that Hillary would approach things differently...

    One interesting thing for me is that Hillary is basically the female version of Bill in many aspects; she is single-minded about attaining as much power and influence as possible and will step on anyone, say anything, compromise herself, etc. to acheive it. However, Bill is looked on favorably (well, his public perception seems to have taken a nosedive in recent weeks) while she is very much reviled, even within her own party. My question is, is it because she's a woman? I don't know if it is, but there's a powerful argument to be made that the preception of women in power is a tight rope to walk...

  5. #15
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    I follow what's going on in the States with great interest, above all the Obama-Clinton's race... I think that's a very important time for this country waking up, hopefully people wont let go this great opportunity! To bad they (a woman and a black candidate) get there at the same time! The best thing for me would be to have both these candidates, an "afroamerican woman president"! Good luck!

  6. #16
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    Mathias -

    If that meant Condoleezza Rice in the White House, I could not support that...Carol Moseley-Braun (another Illinois Senator!!!) had ever been able to run, that would have been something I could support.

  7. #17
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    [quote=ScottJ]I am no foreign policy expert by any means, but Bill Clinton certainly seems to have done a lot to strengthen the relationship between the US and countries south of the United States."

    Check out "Plan Colombia" and the Clinton administration Scott...he may have strengthened political ties between the U.S. and Colombia but at what cost to the people? While his intentions may have been positive, the execution of the plan destroyed a lot of lives.

  8. #18
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    I like Obama's wife's attitude. She is firm, but discrete and "in her place". Hillary never was. Why not say it : she bore with her husband's lies and unfaithfulness because she was reaching higher. Seldom have I seen such a calculating woman. Calculating and cold like a fish. Ah...and her tears (again!!!) haven't fooled anybody this time!!

    I think this young man is amazing, strong, fresh in his thoughts, nice family man, good and strong handshake, natural, a fighter.

    I saw him on the Jay Leno show. No doubt the best.

  9. #19
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScottJ
    she is single-minded about attaining as much power and influence as possible and will step on anyone, say anything, compromise herself, etc. to acheive it..... My question is, is it because she's a woman? I don't know if it is, but there's a powerful argument to be made that the preception of women in power is a tight rope to walk...
    I have always disliked ambitious and calculating people, male or female alike, intensely. She did what she did when her husband was in charge, because her goals were others than a happy marriage. I agree with you, she gives the idea that she would sell her mother, if she had to to achieve her aim.
    The image she has in Europe, I believe, is that of a calculating , intelligent and extremely ambitious woman. I think even though at first her first tears convinced people she also had a "human" side...her second public tears gave her away! There was a commenter on Leno the other day who mentioned: "Ok, so she has been trying to convince us that she had more testosterone than any of her opponents and suddenly she is crying her eyes out." I think her adviser did her no good! I have no doubt that she cried crocodile tears.

  10. #20
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    May be I should have added "democrate", but you did understand I was talking about these two candidates, who are democrate, right? Although sometimes we could wonder... : The best thing for me would be to have both these candidates, an "afroamerican woman president"!
    A "democrate afroamerican woman president"

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