You're right. Like you, I usually don't like versions of songs in other music styles than the ones they were originally performed.Originally Posted by mariacecilia
You're right. Like you, I usually don't like versions of songs in other music styles than the ones they were originally performed.Originally Posted by mariacecilia
Some versions are acceptable, but these "Bossa 'n " series is terrible!!!! Nothing to do with the originals!!!
I never said they were better than the originals and I never will... But I think some Bossa versions are really good and relaxing.
Wasn't this thread about relaxing music? We can discuss cover songs in a new topic if you want :P
This music it's a mixture of music with nature sounds. . .
Like new age music. . .
Soon I send you a couple of mp3
Hey, thanks for the so many replies!!! Reiki seems a really good option, I'll try that and let you know!![]()
Can anybody explain to me what "Reiki" is? Thanks...
. . . que podemos decir. . .
es una terapia de las llamadas alternativas. . . . en la que se canaliza energia alineando los chakras, (estos son 7 puntos a lo largo de la columna que van desde la ingle hasta arriba en la cabeza, en la coronilla).
Se supone que cuando tiene desalineados los chakras la energia de nuestro cuerpo no fluye como es debido y de esta forma nuestro malesta se acrecienta.
es una terapia milenaria redescubierta el siglo pasado por el maestro Usui
en la que en esencia se trata de la armonización corporal. . . les dejo un link para leer mas sobre el tema. . .
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