You've convinced me! I´ll go and watch this film this weekend. Last Sunday I saw El Arca with my godson and his little sisters. It´s a good Argentine Cartoon picture. I recomend it!!:p
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You've convinced me! I´ll go and watch this film this weekend. Last Sunday I saw El Arca with my godson and his little sisters. It´s a good Argentine Cartoon picture. I recomend it!!:p
Hola soy Nueva y no se por donde empezar ja quedo como que me llamo Nueva jajaja Me guian???
dos palabras ... puerco araña :D
I love Bart - he is a bad behaved boy with a really good heart :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Veronica
Noticia trillada quizá: ¿Sabían que Bart comenzó siendo un alter ego de Matt Groening que, antes de tener su entrevista en la Fox, esbozó algunos personajes para evitar tener que arriesgar su personaje más conocido hasta el momento, el conejo de un libro de comics escrito por él?
living and learning... ¡mira vos!
well I finally saw it. I am not a huge simpsons fan, but i enjoyed the movie....;)
I saw it too... It was good but not as outstanding as I excepted it to be... Anyways, I recommend it...:p
I was thinking: should we expect more movies of The Simpsons? If you take a look at the season on DVD, they dedicate a cover to each character and each character appears in one of the discs. This movie was obviously dedicated to the character of Homer. Do you think we should expect at least three more?
Observación de obsesivo: ¿a alguien más le molesta que Telefé se enorgullezca de promocionar "los Simpsonssss" como si en castellano se usaran los plurales de los apellidos como en inglés?