Who watches House?
I think its the best medical show ever. House is awesome and his sly remarks are always the best.
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Who watches House?
I think its the best medical show ever. House is awesome and his sly remarks are always the best.
I do!!!
I see dr. House as one of the best built TV characters ever! The way he acts, thinks and feels is so real and complex...
I agree its well written and is somewhat believable...I mean in real life I don't think they would let an egotistacal maniac be a doctor, but its believable in some way.
I just totally loooooooooooove House! it's like a half an hour without blinking, breathing or anything. too bad some people take the medical part too serious...I know some that just think they have the same disease when the show is over...LOL
That's why I think House is so believable because people really take it seriously.Quote:
Originally Posted by SandraT
But since I download House on my computer I'm usually using Wikipedia to look up the diseases and the vocabulary.
I'm a real nerd when it comes to watching House.
If House were real he would be my doctor.
Actually if I wasn't male and old enough if House was real I'd probably marry him.
I agree with you! House is fantastic, also here in Italy! I think it's the best medical serial all over the world.:)
I do too!
Excellent show. The best looking doctor on TV :o
I've learned a lot about medicine on that show, contrary to ER where things happen so fast all you hear is "he's crashing", "V-tac" and "run a CBC" (right?)
My roommate bought the first 2 seasons I think, and I am totally hooked. But, if we are comparing to ER, I get much more involved when I'm watching ER. And it's so much more memorable, I think. I miss it.
However, House is a great character.
Well Carla, there's no need for you to miss ER! Season 14 is on Thursdays at Warner channel, and you can watch reruns about 2 or 3 times everyday on the same channel ( #31 I think).
victoria, you seemed to be the right person for me to ask this question... which channel is house on? thanks
wow, thanks mvictoria! I am so out of the loop with ER, I'll have to start watching some reruns to get back into it. I think I'm like 2 seasons behind :eek:
House is on the 32, Universal Channel, every Thursday at 9 pm, Sunday at 4 pm or Monday at 1 pm (new season).
mvictoria- you really are the right person to ask these questions. jaja, how about ER, can I catch it on TV?:D
Yes you can! ER in on channel 31 on Thursdays at 10 pm. But you can see previous seasons everyday at 1 pm (I think)
I really have to check out house!!! i have heard so much, thanks for the show times. :D
incredible season finale this week!!! AWESOME and unexpected. These last few episodes really make up for the weakness of last two seasons.
So... has anyone seen the new episodes?? Comments??
I have! The old team is back - Cameron, Foreman and Chase - the House-Cuddy storyline is on hold apparently :-(, and the 3 or 4 episodes I've seen so far were excellent. MUCH better than the last two seasons for sure.
I'm still waiting to see what happens with House and Cuddy... Forman is being kind of an ass don't you think?
I totally love House. What do you think about the new season? Has House become a sensitive loving guy? I'd hate that
he's starting to soften up a bit, but he is still HOUSE. I love this season!!
House is great! I was flipping thru the channels one day and came across it and was hooked. Luckily for me it was a marathon so I was able to see a complete season at once! It is very educational. I enjoy watching it. However, my ultimate favorite is and might forever be ER. I remember crying with much of the episodes. The storyline was awesome and the cast had so much charisma that could not be overlooked. I miss it!
It's a little scary though all the tests, the patient's have to go thru before they finally find out exactly what's wrong with the person. To think that so many people out there have actually experienced such makes you thankful for the small things in life. Like our health....
Love this series as well!
I definitely agree with brapoza, you definitely have to appreciate the little things in life! Carpe diem!
Totally. crobertson. Are you familiar with ER? What are your thoughts on that series? It was and still is one of my favorites tv shows.
Hi brapoza,
I don't get to watch it as often as I'd like unfortunately to but I think it's a great series as well. The plots put together with the actors make the show what it is, one of favorite actors is Dr. Carter.
It's definitely an eye opener to remind you that anything can happen in the blink of an eye but I somehow prefer Dr. House to ER.
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Crobertson, I too don't get to watch House regularly. When I do it is definitely a treat. I found it very interesting that you prefer House to ER. Dr. House is witty, sarcastic, intense, intelligent and hilarious. He is my favorite character. They both are exceptional programs but alas, I'm partial to ER. What's your take on Grey's Anatomy?
Dr. House's prevalent sense of humor mixed with his knowledge definitely makes him unique! He's quite direct especially for being a dr. but he pulls it off well. Would you say he comes across as rude?
He's without a doubt my favorite character as well.
Grey's Anatomy is also good, it has a little bit of everything, drama, comedy,scandal, I used to watch it a lot more in the past. It's doesn't depict as many real life occurrences or is as graphic as Dr. House or ER but the actors from the first few seasons are great. I've seen almost all of the episodes except the last couple seasons. I much prefer the first seasons though. Do you watch it?
I agree with you completely! I actually wouldn't say that he is rude as much as he is direct. He has that "Tell it like it is, regardless if you like it or not" attitude. Personally, I feel like more people should have that kind of attitude. Sometimes, you can't beat around the bush and tip toe around everyone's feelings. You have to take the facts and lay them out on the table. More then that though, in his type of work, people should know what they are facing and what chances they have. Anything else is misleading and unfair depending on the circumstance.
As far as the characters on house, Dr. House is also my favorite hands down, no competition there!
I use to watch Grey's religiously until Seattle Grace merged with Mercy West. To me, when they hospitals merged, the show lost something. The chemistry between the characters changed and the plot went from nail biting dramatic to simply unrealistic. It doesn't have that relatable element anymore. I am not as interested as I use to be. I to prefer the beginning seasons to the ones running currently as well.
Yes, I agree with you 100%, it's definitely better to be direct rather than beat around the bush! One of the main characteristics that I can appreciate about Dr.House.
Yes it is. Although I know for a fact I would have much difficulty dealing with situations such as House. I respect and agree with it. But personally couldn't do it. I would end up crying with the patient and my emotions would get in the way of my judgement. Thank goodness I'm not a Doctor, eh?!