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Thread: BrokeBack Mountain

  1. #21
    Senior Member Veronica's Avatar
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    I've seen the movie and if you place yourself in the time that the cowboys are supposed to be living, you would "buy" the plot much more than if you looked at it from 2008.
    I thought it was a very sad love story. Reminded me of Romeo and Juliet who love each other very much but can't be together because of others.

    I think everyone has a right to walk out on any movie he/she wants.
    Although personally, I think walking out of Brokeback Mountain because the gays are having s ex is like walking out of American Gangster because the gangster is black, or on Schindler's list because he is saving jews...

    Which brings me to another thought. Generally, men who can't tolerate to see a gay scene can perfectly tolerate to see a very similar les bian or heterosexual scene, how come? (but this is probably a subject for a different post, on a different forum!! )
    Last edited by Veronica; 03-27-2008 at 03:16 PM.

  2. #22
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Veronica
    I think everyone has a right to walk out on any movie he/she wants.
    Although personally, I think walking out of Brokeback Mountain because the gays are having s ex is like walking out of American Gangster because the gangster is black, or on Schindler's list because he is saving jews...
    I don't know, sometimes it also happens that you don't expect such very direct scenes. I don't remember any of those in this movie, tell you the truth...

    However, I do remember in the film "Cruising" with the great Al Pacino, very impressive, somebody right at the beginning fainting in the cinema. The young man fell right off the chair.

  3. #23
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Veronica
    I think everyone has a right to walk out on any movie he/she wants.
    Although personally, I think walking out of Brokeback Mountain because the gays are having s ex is like walking out of American Gangster because the gangster is black, or on Schindler's list because he is saving jews...)
    Wrong example Verónica... it's like walking out of "Deep Throat" because you're not really interested to see how this lady performs oral s e x one time after another... (Mind you she has some kind of physical problem ).
    It has nothing to do with jews or black people... you just like it or not... What's up with you people?? Can't you accept a different opinion?

    Quote Originally Posted by Veronica
    Which brings me to another thought. Generally, men who can't tolerate to see a gay scene can perfectly tolerate to see a very similar les bian or heterosexual scene, how come? (but this is probably a subject for a different post, on a different forum!! )


  4. #24
    Senior Member Veronica's Avatar
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    I'm sorry, but I think my examples are perfect.
    I'm not going to compare a perfectly decent movie with a great plot about a love story and a very acceptable adult scene with a p orn movie called "Deep Throat", that is probably cheap and plotless by the way.

  5. #25
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Veronica
    I'm sorry, but I think my examples are perfect.
    I'm not going to compare a perfectly decent movie with a great plot about a love story and a very acceptable adult scene with a p orn movie called "Deep Throat", that is probably cheap and plotless by the way.
    Your examples denote "racial discrimination"... In my opinion walking out of Brokeback Mountain because you don't like watching two guys making love has nothing to do with Schindler's list.

    And has nothing to do with accepting g a y s or homosexuality... One of my best friends is homosexual Vero... I just wonder why it's so difficult for some of you to accept other's opinions...

    Best regards,

  6. #26
    Senior Member seeker50's Avatar
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    Default Science..that's right.

    Quote : Seeker50, you are so right: It has been scientifically proven that watching a gay scene makes you gay. The subconscious is a very powerful thing, as proven by our famous cigar-sucking friend Dr. Freud.

    I wasn't aware of recent findings on this regard, frankly. I mean,from your statement, I just can tell ! You're up-to-date on what's going on concerning breakthroughs. Obviously, that's why you dropped out of the habit. Well done, good boy...

  7. #27
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    Seeker, first off, you make me laugh. First you thanked me for agreeing with you, even though i was being sarcastic. I was making a joke about your ignorance and everyone else here realized it except you. I would suggest you find a forum where you understand what's going on. Maybe www.imscaredimgoingtobegay.com?

    Second off, your position is bizarre, to say the least. "Accept me because I judge others." "Tolerate my intolerance and stupidity."

    And finally, if you are trying to offend me by calling me gay, then you're going to have to try a lot harder. Oh no, some homophobe is anonymously calling me gay through his computer! You are pathetic.

  8. #28
    Senior Member seeker50's Avatar
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    I DID know you were being sarcastic, Justin. My answer to your statement was definitely an intelligent way to avoid to give you the feedback you were expecting me to give you. -And yet you are now proving that you were unable to get the message whose content I consider it was quite rational, I just took some of the words you typed in, just the fitting ones. And then, I dropped you a few lines.
    Your intelligence and my ignorance. About the latter, let's leave it there. That's your well-centered opinion about me. Fine. Now, one of the best ways for you to prove your sapience is by using the right terms to thoughtfully correct the person you look down on as you consider him to be wrong. That should've been smart. You, instead, made a sarcastic remark on my position as if you were quite eager to show everybody that you're stuck-up.
    I haven't the foggiest about what you mean "Accept me because I judge others". All I did was give a full explanation(the one it has now been distorted and inexplicably biased ) why I stand on this matter the way you already know. Re-read it carefully. I don't think of myself being judgemental at all.
    Don't say "everyone else" here realized it. Be fair. Don't extrapolate the wrong way. Read the whole thread and do not let your haughtiness run away with you. There have been others who courteously have respected others' opinions. Not just mine but others' opinions.
    And finally..
    I'll tell you why I got back to your sarcasm and made up my mind : there was a lady next to me yesterday at night and read what you had typed in. She said: "I know you're an easygoing man. But you cannot let him be that sarcastic on your comment. Now, get on the keyboard and write him back the way he wants to." -I refused to do so. Then, we played scrabble for a while. And we betted on you ! If I lost the last game, I would have to write to you the way you wanted. Consequently, here I am. Your unexplainably sarcastic remark was turned into a reason for a stake..
    Now, if you want to believe it, that's fine. If you don't, I have no solution for it.
    Last edited by seeker50; 03-29-2008 at 02:19 AM.

  9. #29
    Senior Member seeker50's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Paz..

    Quote Originally Posted by emilyb
    Try not to see "Die Hard," maybe it would turn you into a violent person. And "Jurassic Park" may turn you into a dinosaur. Anyone seen "Boys Don`t Cry?" I heard it's a great one. Hope it isn't too rIdiculous for some.
    La mayoría --por no decir todos--los argentinos que he conocido hasta la fecha, expresan sus ideas haciendo uso de un Español tan diáfano que a mí, no me queda otra que emularles, siendo eso justamente lo que yo intento hacer al escribir estas líneas. Y espero que tú, como argentina, sepas entenderme.
    A juzgar tanto por el contenido de mi opinión inicial (en referencia a la película) como por la respuesta que yo obtuve de parte tuya, puedo deducir de que algo en tu ser interior resultó mortificado. Debo también aclarar que lo de Freud no tiene fundamento sólido alguno. Lo saqué a colación por el simple hecho de vertir algo en el foro, que de antemano, yo sabía que no tendría la validez que el caso ameritaba. En síntesis, mucho en cuanto a emotividad fué sin duda el aliciente por el cual me dejé llevar.
    A estas alturas, el tema ha entrado en una esfera donde la discrepancia presenta extremos donde las palabras encierran en forma palmaria un significado que raya en el disgusto y la ofensa. Pienso que esto resulta nocivo en un ambiente que, como en este foro, el deseo de ayudar(entre traductores) desinteresadamente sobresale como la característica principal de la cual el mismo debe estar impregnado.
    Yo no tengo absolutamente nada en contra ni de los homosexuales ni de las lesbianas. Tienen el derecho a vivir en paz, expresarse, y manifestarse libremente, mayormente en sociedades regidas por lineamientos democráticos. Sin embargo( y si estoy errado, por favor corrígeme en este punto sabiamente), pienso que ello no me obliga en manera alguna a permanecer en una sala de cine en contra de mi voluntad, si es que yo hago uso de la libertad de pensamiento y expresión así como también de locomoción, que identifican a cualquier sociedad humana normal.
    Entonces, en virtud del efecto ocasionado en tu persona por el comentario inicial que hice en relación con el tema(y respuestas posteriores que surgieron), la lógica me dicta lo obvio : solicitarte las disculpas del caso. Deveras mis disculpas. Buena cosa sería olvidar lo que se derivó después. ¿No creés?
    De antemano, gracias por las dispensas en este sentido.


  10. #30
    Senior Member seeker50's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Peace..

    I acknowledge that the reasoning I brought forward , which was intended to back up the decision I'd made to walk out of the movie theater(Freud-based reasoning), lacked substantiation as to be introduced in this forum.
    I know it is untrue and there is no evidence proving it. It was something I created in a despondently manner, with the only purpose of having my point pretty much regarded.
    I have nothing against homosexuals, in any society. They, just like lesbians, are humans just like me.
    However, --and I get hopes that you will agree with me on this point--there should not be a reason nor should there be anybody forcing me into staying in a movie theater against my will. I have free will, a free will that you have as well.
    When I got engaged in this topic, I never thought it could reach this far. It didn't cross my mind. And since your first feedback clearly bordered on the corrosiveness, I guess it was because I hurt your feelings somehow. Please, accept my apologies for having done so. The aftermath should be forgotten at this point. I am just trying to get things back on track the way they are supposed to be in a forum like this, where all of us--the ones who work in the translation field--are continually looking forward to being of help to each other.
    Again, my apologies. Let's make up and move forward. Is that O.K.?


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