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Thread: Your best movie

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb Your best movie

    After working all day, a tasty dinner along with a master piece of the seventh art is my desire.

    I really liked Kill Bill and obviously Lost in translation!

    Let me know yours so that I can run to rent it

  2. #2
    Senior Member Julio Jaubert's Avatar
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    Default The Lord of the Rings

    My decision is not very original, but I love The Lord of the Rings. May be because I read the book and the movie is very similar to the images I had about the book.
    One of my favorite scenes is the one when King Theoden says: "Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountains...
    Another one is when Gimli says: "I never thought I would die with an elf" and Legolas answers "what about a friend?".
    I think these scenes define part of the esence of the movie.

    Well, that's my opinion.
    Last edited by Julio Jaubert; 10-31-2006 at 05:16 PM.

  3. #3
    Forum User US-Translator's Avatar
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    Exclamation Match Point

    Kill Bill 1 and 2 are good movies, I like the Lord of the rings... but Match Point is definitely the best! It is different, it is more than a movie.

    Match Point shows the usual Woody Allen, that like Shakespeare choose one issue and speak about that in all the picture / movie, but speaking about the destiny, the causality at the no sense of life.

    It is the most serious explanation of the life I ever heard.

    The best part… when he is speaking with the ghosts asking for punishment, because he wants to find justice and sense to the life.

  4. #4
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    Default Repo Man

    These days, my favorite movie is Repo Man, starring a young Emilio Estevez and a Harry Dean Stanton in top form. It includes such famous and true lines as, "The more you drive, the less intelligent you are."

    When I was in high school, and my favorite movie was Pulp Fiction, my dad broke the news to me that Pulp Fiction was a low-rent ripoff of Repo Man.

    Past favorites include Star Wars (my kindergarten years) and Fletch (my college years).

  5. #5
    Senior Member Nadia D's Avatar
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    Pulp Fiction is great movie too!
    I don´t have a favorite movie, but the one I recall as being really outstanding is "Misery"...Kathy Bates´performance was awesome...Check it out!

  6. #6
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    Default La Ley de Herodes

    Frankly, I'm ashamed I didn't say this before, but not so ashamed that I won't say it now:

    The best Spanish-language movie ever is "La Ley de Herodes".

  7. #7
    Senior Member Veronica's Avatar
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    Lately, I haven't seen a good movie. I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and it was a disappointment, too long at times, they could have cut half off. And don't get me started on House by the Lake, what a waste of time...not even Neo can save that one...

    But one that is rather new and I liked is Sin City, it's the perfect movie to relax and not think much while you watch it (unlike Syrianna, you have to keep up to every dialog hehe).
    Besides, Sin City is filmed in a comic book kind of way, and full of famous actors, it's really interesting, and dark. I think of all of them the best was Clive Owen.

  8. #8
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    I have seen The Illusionist, the other day, it's with Edward Norton.
    It's a fabulous actor, and the movie was so good... You have to see it, it's for everyone and I guaranty a good moment !!

  9. #9
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    Exclamation Now is Borat!

    Now is Borat! It used to be El Padrino I, III and II in that order.

  10. #10
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    Borat in The Godfather, can be good...ah ah.. I haven't see the movie of Borat but it can't be funny for sure...

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