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Thread: *** & The City

  1. #1
    Senior Member mvictoria's Avatar
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    Default *** & The City

    Hello all!

    I'd like to hear your opinions on this movie. I'm waiting for the DVD because a reliable source told me it's not worth it, that it was silly and dissapointing.
    What do you think?

  2. #2
    Senior Member mariacecilia's Avatar
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    I also read the movie is totally silly and boring and just repeats the TV series, showing men as "objects"...

  3. #3
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    I thought the movie was fairly in keeping with the series, though some parts were, as you say, silly. But I think that it is worth seeing, especially if you followed the series.

  4. #4
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    I think that the movie was NOT loyal to the series in a couple of aspects:

    1. Carrie is now a label wh#@e for all of her clothes, not just shoes...the tutu from the opening of the show (which I did catch in the movie) is not a label garment and almost all of her clothes had that appeal of being cheap and cute and wearable with many different types of outfits.

    2. I don't want to spoil anything about it, but I feel that about twenty minutes were removed towards the end where she would have talked to her friends about certain situations. THAT was what a lot of the show was based on, right? The girls at brunch, sharing the details, etc. Where was that at the end???

    3. I also found the end to be entirely implausible...

  5. #5
    Senior Member mvictoria's Avatar
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    Wow Scott, what a great review! and I know what you mean about the tutu! jeje

    I will definitely wait for the DVD.
    Thank you!!!

  6. #6
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    I'll make my comments on this soon! I'd love to see this film!

  7. #7
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    Default My review coming soon...

    I´m coming to the movies this or next week!! this is the movie I wanna see with my girl friends and buckets of pop corn!!

  8. #8
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    i watched this with my gf last night. i havent seen the show so I dont know how loyal it is to the series, but i thought it was alright. i thought there was gonna be more man-hating in it--- thats the idea i had about the show. i was way off though. so yeah, it was ok. and now she has to see el orfanato with me

  9. #9
    Forum User Goodnightmoon's Avatar
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    I loved the show, I even bought the lovely pink and black box with all the seasons. I went to see the film a last week... errmmmm, no, I don't think I'll be buying it. I'll try to say what I think without spoiling it for those who haven't seen it yet.

    It was worth seeing it because of the clothes I don't see anything wrong with that!!! I loved the fact that Carrie didn't wear the same clothes for more than 3 minutes. And she wears once her old fur coat, which she wore several seasons. Visually it was completely recognizable, but the plot, the structure... it wasn't good old S&TC but different and better, as I expected it to be. It just felt rather senseless some times. At the beginning of the film something happens and that is the turning point, the basis for the plot, for everything that happens afterwards... only that "that thing" is completely... silly. To put it mildly.

    A couple of funny scenes reminded you of the series: Samantha and some of her great one-liners (which by now every one has seen in the ad "Well, you know me, I just don't believe in marriage... etc); the classic sentence "I couldn't help but wonder"... and some familiar faces, just to ensure we were reminded it actually was S&TC. Very much needed reminders!

    Familiar faces: Stanford's there, Anthony's there, Magda's there, Enid's there... you see them but they hardly say more than a couple of sentences, sometimes something like "I'll hold this for you". Nothing really happens with them. I especially missed Stanford's witty and bitter remarks. And what happened to his gorgeous boyfriend?? I didn't like that. There's a new character, Carrie's PA. It was probably what I liked best, a young girl, crazy for clothes, trying to get a fresh start in NY after a sad break-up. Her conversations with Carrie were the kind of conversations she used to have with her girls.

    There was very little s**, meaning what the tv show was about. The "men as objects thing" (which is not at all how I'd describe the tv-show, and no man-hating either!) is just not there. No meeting new guys, no sharing gossip or concerns about a new relationship. Ok, they're older, married, kids, but they're not married all the time and I was surprised to see how not having a relationship suddenly implied staying home alone eating on the sofa watching tv. There's nothing "fabulous" about it!

    Another difference, there was no question to be answered during the film even if a couple of characters had to face the same issue. Otherwise they all had very different lives. Their bond is as strong as ever only it's hard to stay that close when your lives are so different lives and you have so little in common to talk about.

    Another thing I didn't like: I didn't laugh that much. There was a scene where Stanford kisses someone. I laughed just because I had seen the tv show and knew what that really meant. Some people in the cinema turned around and looked at me as if I was mad. Apparently they didn't get it. Part of the fun in S&TC was all those "private jokes" we die-hard fans got immediately. They're gone in the film, understandable if you're addresing a wider audience, of course, but they could have found a way to sort that out. I liked the final message though. This is a new phase of our lives.

    In short: It could have been a film about four completely different NY women who happened to be played by the same actresses. So hard it was to recognise the show I loved. I've read there's going to be a sequel, I hope they do better with the script. The stylists deserve an Oscar.

    I hated El Orfanato, silliest film I've ever seen, btw.
    Last edited by Goodnightmoon; 08-01-2008 at 11:38 PM.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: *** & The City

    Hi everyone,

    well, I saw it this weekend, I´m a fan of the series, and I wasn´t expecting anything out of the world for this movie, it was worth seeing it.
    I´ve seen it with my girlfriends, and we had fun, that´s fine for me...

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