across offers interactive tutorials for freelance translators
across Systems, a manufacturer of corporate translation management software, is breaking new ground in knowledge transfer.
In addition to web-based online and traditional classroom training sessions carried out by associations and partners, across is now also offering interactive tutorials for freelance translators.
These tutorials can be started at any time, and the user can work through them at his or her own pace. Interactive elements ensure that the contents offered are actually understood and can then be put into practice when working with across. Currently, only German and English versions are available. French and Spanish versions as well as tutorials on project management will follow.
across Systems GmbH, E-mail: [email protected], Web:
Re: across offers interactive tutorials for freelance translators
How could I create a translation memory in Across?
Re: across offers interactive tutorials for freelance translators
You don't have to create TMs in Across because all the translation units are stored in one database. Since you add attributes to your projects like relation (customer) and subject or even the project name these units are kept separate in the database.
Re: across offers interactive tutorials for freelance translators
En vista que la memoria de traducción en Across se encuentra en la base de datos del programa, si deseo que un traductor utilice dicha memoria en la traducción de un archivo, cómo haría para que dicha persona, desde su computadora, pueda acceder a la memoria que se encuentra en la base de datos del programa Across que estoy utilizando en mi PC, ¿mediante la conexión de un protocolo cliente-servidor?, ¿esa es la única manera?, ¿habrá formas de no requerir necesariamente establecer dicho protocolo?