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Thread: Suggestion to OmegaT User

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Default Suggestion to OmegaT User

    I'd like to be advised on how to use OmegaT best as far as TM and glossary handling is concerned.
    Basicaly, is it best to keep one large TM for any new proyect, or should I keep a different TM for each one and import only the ones that I need?. I think it's best the first option but I don't really know how capable is OmegaT to handle very large TM files. The same for Glossaries.
    I`ll appreciate your advice in deed!!!

  2. #2
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    Hopefully, not too late to answer :-)

    The question about TM is basically not an issue of OmegaT, but an issue of your habits as to workflow. I prefer to have separate TMs at least for different topics of translation (say, technical and legal apart, within technical, mechanics and electronics apart etc.). The largest combination of TM I use in a single project is about 80000 TUs in 3 files. I don't know, if it matches your criteria of “very large TM files”.

  3. #3
    Senior Member ElVizconde's Avatar
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    Default OmegaT

    I actually prefer 1 TM and glossary per client in OmegaT. Most of the times companies in the same industry use different words for the same concept. For example, I have to translate INMATE into RECLUSO o INTERNO depending on the CORRECTIONAL CENTER.

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