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Thread: New translation memory tool AidTrans Studio beta testing invitation

  1. #1
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    Default New translation memory tool AidTrans Studio beta testing invitation

    Everyone interested in translation memory tools is invited to to join AidTrans Studio beta tests. You can download beta releases from http://www.aidtranssoft.com/

    It is planned to be affordable translation memory application. There is available open (no cost) Basic edition with fully functional import/export module that supports MS Word files and OpenOffice Writer files as well as fully functional translation memory and terminology maintenance modules.

    For any questions regarding the software please contact technical support, you will find contact details on application website.

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    Default AidsTrans Studio

    Thanks PeterL for sharing such useful information. Do you know if there is any compatibility between Trados TM's and this newer software??

  3. #3
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    AidTrans Studio is designed to be translation memory system compatible with standard formats.
    When it comes to Trados:
    - you can translated .ttx files,
    - you can import tm .txt files exported from workbench, using Tm Manager (part of AidTrans Studio)
    - you can import MultiTerm .txt export files, using Tdb manager (part of AidTrans Studio).
    So you can translate files as well as import reference data.
    You can also import tm data in TMX format as well

  4. #4
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    Default Aidtrans

    Hi Peter, why don´t u explain us the advantages of Aidtrans in relation with Trados, SDLX and Wordfast.... Thanks!

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