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Thread: función "Don't clean up" de TRADOS - duda

  1. #1
    Senior Member mvictoria's Avatar
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    Default función "Don't clean up" de TRADOS - duda

    hola a todos, hace tiempo que tengo esta duda existencial y quizás alguien pueda ayudarme a disiparla. Estaba convencida de que, en el Workbench > Clean up, la opción "Don't Clean Up" significaba básicamente actualizar la TM sin limpiar el archivo. Pero no! no limpia el archivo ni tampoco actualiza la TM. Entonces, para qué sirve?

    Otra duda, si yo quiero actualizar la TM, sin pasar un fuzzy y sin dejar limpio el archivo, cuál es la opción correcta?

    Desde ya, muchas gracias.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: función "Don't clean up" de TRADOS - duda

    Hola Victoria,
    Encontr'e esto:
    Don’t Clean Up
    Units that differ in the document from the memory are not cleaned up (they are totally
    ignored). Useful to review just the segments that an editor changed. Afterwards, clean
    the file again, setting to Update TM.
    B. Don’t Clean Up: Trados does not clean up any segments in the document that were changed without using
    Workbench or using a different memory. Example: you want to quickly see what changes your editor made. Only
    the sentences that he/she changed will remain segmented. You will have to clean up the document with Update
    TM after you have reviewed the changes.

    It looks like a really useful tool for project managers.
    Hope it helps.

  3. #3
    Senior Member mvictoria's Avatar
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    Default Re: función "Don't clean up" de TRADOS - duda

    mmm, interesting. Thanks for the info! Still, the name of the function is pretty confusing, since it does clean up the file partially...

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