Has anyone ever used de free version of Similis Translation Memory that can be downloaded from: http://www.lingua-et-machina.com/?
I would appreciate comments as to its usefulness
Thank you
Has anyone ever used de free version of Similis Translation Memory that can be downloaded from: http://www.lingua-et-machina.com/?
I would appreciate comments as to its usefulness
Thank you
I didn't download it yet, but as fas as I can see, it's quite similar to Trados and other CAT Tools, but it seems less popular than the rest...
Hi Nadia D
Translating for me is something I have got into recently therefore I don’t know how it’s going to go. I don’t know Trados or Cat but from what I have seen they are quite expensive. The big advantage for me is that Similis offers a FREE version, grant it, it’s not as complete but as a starters it might be sufficient.
OmegaT is the way to go. Open source CAT Tool, you don't have to pay anything. It comes for Windows, Mac or Linux.Originally Posted by Kane
Gracias ElVizconde por la información.
Ya he bajado y instalado el "OmegaT_1.7.3_03_Windows.exe", pero no pasa nada, nada se abre, pues nada de nada. Voy a pedir a mi compañero que sabe más de informática que yo si puede encontrar lo que hice mal. Tengo Java instalado en mi ordenador, por lo tanto, no entiendo lo que está pasando, mejor dicho lo que no está pasando
Extraño, yo trabajé poco tiempo con esa versión. Estoy usando http://sourceforge.net/project/downl...s.exe&44668485Originally Posted by Kane
Hola ElVizconde
Después de haber bajado la versión 1.8.02, que tampoco funcionó, Carlos empezó a echar un vistazo serio a mi ordenador. Lo que encontró no se puede describir, está hecho una mierda (con perdón). La semana que viene volverá a instalar el sistema operativo. Ya os contaré.
Yo siempre digo eso. Mucha suerte.Originally Posted by Kane
So, did you manage to work with OT?Originally Posted by Kane
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