Even though I have been happily married for over 32 years,
I have received this proposal of marriage from a young girl
and to tell you the truth
is her name
she is my 3year old granddaughter
and she wants to marry me
this is our love song , (partly in Dutch and partly in Italian) :
voor een kusje van jou For a little kiss from you
voor een kusje van jou for a little kiss from you
geef ik mijn hart aan jou I give my heart to you
en bij dag en bij nacht and by day and by night
houdt liefde dan de wacht love will be on guard
want een kusje van jou as a little kiss from you
zegt mij “ik hou van jou” tells me “I love you”
onze hemel is blauw our sky will be blue
eeuwig blijf ik je trouw forever I will be true
voor een kusje van jou for a little kiss from you
’t klinkt net zo lief ’t sounds just as nice
in het Italiaans the Italian way
luister maar eens hoe het gaat listen to what they say
per un bacio d’amore for a love kiss from you
ah bella bruna ah beautiful brunette
ti daro tutto il cuore I give you all my heart
al chiar di luna by the light of the moon
un tuo bacio d’amore a little kiss from you
o che fortuna oh what a happiness
voglio dirtelo ancor’ I tell you once more
ti daro tutto il cuore I give you all my heart
per un bacio d’amore for a love kiss from you
“Honeymooning down by the sea...”
we’re going
off to the Belgian sea-side, Haley, my wife, my parents-in-law, and me.
So you won’t be getting too much nonsense from me the first few days !
PS. I don't speak Italian and hope there are no errors there.