How do you deal with client's quality complaints?
Hi colleagues,
How do you proceed when you have a quality complaint from a customer? Do you send the complaint to the reviewer of the project or translator? Do you accept the claim and reimburse the money or give the client a discount? It's a really complex situations so I'd like to know how you guys deal with it.
Thanks for your help :)
Re: How do you deal with client's quality complaints?
Hi Andreap
I usually send it to some other resource for review (someone you know and can trust, if possible) to tell you honestly if the project is complaint worthy, or the client just has some preferences he wants applied.
Re: How do you deal with client's quality complaints?
I usually ask for specific feedback and, once they send it, the translator or reviewer who was originally assigned to this project determines whether their quality complaints are founded or not.
Oftentimes, clients have their documents reviewed by non-native speakers and they even add mistakes that were not present in our original delivery.
Re: How do you deal with client's quality complaints?
Absolutely, Ive had many of those cases mvictoria. It is quite a relief when you have it reviewed and your delivery es the one thats ok.