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Thread: Gala Lisbon

  1. #1
    Contributing User
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    Post Gala Lisbon

    The GALA 2011 Conference in Lisbon was the best of the three conferences that GALA organized.

    Here are my opinions about The Success of GALA Lisbon. Congratulations to the organizers.

    Here is the video with Trusted Translations' Presentation at Gala Lisbon.

    And here is the video with the Comments about our Presentation at GALA Lisbon.

    I also want to thank all the people who contributed toTrusted Translations’ presentation in order for it to be so successful.
    Last edited by Gustavo Lucardi; 04-23-2011 at 01:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum User
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    Oct 2010
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    Default Re: Gala Lisbon

    Thanks for sharing!

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