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Thread: TE vs TEP

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default TE vs TEP

    Hey Project Managers! This ones for you....

    I've been told that sometimes TEP can be worse than TE, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Is that true?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: TE vs TEP

    Hi amayo! A "proofreading" step has its pros and cons. Its "pros" are based on the two main issues found when processing content:

    1) inconsistencies, in case we talk of a more "industrial" less "handcrafted" process by which you can translate large volumes with the help of a full team of different linguists.

    2) so-called "choppiness" brought by the use of CAT tools that basically split content in segments later processed for translation and editing. Can you imagine the language flow once you put all those pieces back together into a target language file?

    The proofreader's effort will of course correlate to the quality of the input received. A bad quality TE can result in an extensive job done at the last proofreading step. However, some proofreaders are too picky and excessively jealous of their work. In other words, over-correction is always a bad habit in whatever step of the process it is applied.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: TE vs TEP

    Thanks gentle! It sounds to me that proofreading is important in that case, and should be considered a benefit to the project.

    Is the idea of over-correction that they actually lower the quality of the translation? That would explain why some might chose to not include it in the project or no?

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