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Thread: Mail dudoso circulando por la web

  1. #1
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Mail dudoso circulando por la web

    ¿Alguien ha recibido este mail? Me dijeron que es un fraude, pero es lo que se corre en la web... Por las dudas sean cuidadosos

    Request for proffesional translators

    Dear Sir, dear Madam,

    We have a request for a professional translation of a Real Estate
    website from English to Spanish and would be gratefull if you could
    send us your quotation with the needed delivery time.

    Please pay attention: only those having experience with the
    translation of html files are welcome to send the quotation. Further
    we will accept only a very professional translator with experience in
    Trados 6.5 - the professional traslating tool for html-files and xml-
    files, working with the TagEditor and translating only the words after
    [CDATA between the brackets.

    The total number of files to be translated are 106 xml-files, the
    total number of words are 9.526.
    These files have to be translated with the TagEditor using Trados 6.5
    in xml without changing anything in the structure of the xml-files. It
    is only to translate the words after [CDATA between the brackets.

    For example, one line to traslate, like the folowing:
    <lines name="city" descr=""><![CDATA[City]]></lines>

    The translation of this line concerne only the one word between the
    brackets, exactly the word [City], so it will be:
    > <lines name="city" descr=""><![CDATA[Ciudad]]></lines>

    We experct a very proper translation without errors or imperfections,
    because if defective, the translation cannot be loaded correctly on
    the website.

    We would appreciate, if you could sent us one xml-file of your choise,
    from the attached files, translated in Spanish, in order to evaluate
    the quality of your translation.

    Best regards,

    Doris Maurer Socci
    Samnium Vita Ltd. & Co. KG
    Am Mühlberg 36
    D-71706 Markgröningen

  2. #2
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mail dudoso circulando por la web

    Hola mer:
    Hice una búsqueda con el nombre de la cñía y aparecen bastante referencias pero no logro descifrarlas por el idioma. Hay incluso una de otro sitio de traductores. translatorscafe
    De cualquier manera es bueno estar atentos y siempre verificar todo este tipo de cosas. Una vez que surge un rumor hay que desconfiar.
    Gracias amiga
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  3. #3
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mail dudoso circulando por la web

    Sí Sandra, estoy de acuerdo. Un colega amigo me comentó que en otros foros también se hablaba del tema, pero no sé nada for sure... De todos modos, es bueno estar prevenido.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Mail dudoso circulando por la web

    Hi, I received that same e-mail, this time asking for a Portuguese professional translator, so I guess this "request" is not to be taken seriously. Actually, I was about to reply when I decided to search for this company, and ended up at this forum. So thanks you people.
    By the way, is it ok to write in EN? I'm new here...
    Many thanks.

  5. #5
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mail dudoso circulando por la web

    Hi Manel! It's ok to write in English... Welcome to the forum! I invite you to go to the newbies section and introduce yourself, so everybody meets and welcomes you the way you deserve!

    Best regards!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Mail dudoso circulando por la web

    Many thanks for the warning. One must really be careful.
    I've also received this mail, the only difference is that they were asking for a translation from English to Portuguese with TRADOS 8.
    I politely declined the offer and asked them how they had known about me, but could not get a reply up to now.
    Best regards.

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