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Thread: Hi I am new and need advice please !

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Question Hi I am new and need advice please !

    HI everyone, I am new and have applied for a job as a Interpreter in the city I live in North Carolina, USA. I learned Spanish beginning at school and then Meeting my Husband and living in Honduras , Ca. for a year. I have been speaking spanish with my husband for 18 yrs, have translated for him, for friends of ours, and thought I would apply for a job getting paid for it. I can read spanish fairly good( took 2 yrs in H.S.) and 2 yrs in College, and am a little rusty at writing. I speak ok, but could never pick up the accent , but understand it really well. I am kind of nervous because I will be given a test orally and written. I live in a area that has lots of immigrants( mostly mexican), and there is a great need for spanish speaking people. Any suggestions would be great.
    Oh yes the job is working in the public Health department here, and I do have a book that teachs Medical terms for non -native spanish people.

  2. #2
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    Default Medical Interpretation

    Hi! I know the Interpreting career combined with Medicine is extremely difficult and demanding, especially I´m referring to Simultaneous Interpretation for Conferences.
    However, it all depends on the needs of the people hiring you. If they simply want you to liase with patients that don´t know the English language, than the ability to communicate and make yourself understand to them should probably do.
    I´m sure there are loads of dictionaries on medicine in the market but I guess you´ll be mainly asked to facilitate the communication between patients and doctors.
    I hope this helps!

  3. #3
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    Default OOps forgot, yes translation will be...

    It is a general job just translating for people who don't speak English, sometimes going to their homes and making sure things are ok. If it was something like translating at a higher level, I would never had thought to apply. Thanks for the opinion. C

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