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Thread: What is "ainda" in this sentence?

  1. #1
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    Default What is "ainda" in this sentence?

    Apesar de parecer intuitiva, a qualidade de um software é complexa, pois considera a diferença entre o especificado e o observado no software, as emoções dos stakeholders (envolvidos no projeto), e ainda a resolução dos problemas organizacionais.

    Would AINDA be translated to English, or can I just ignore it? Thanks

  2. #2
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    Default Re: What is "ainda" in this sentence?

    100 people have viewed this thread so far. I'm wondering if all 100 people don't know the answer to my question, or if they just don't care enough to help.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: What is "ainda" in this sentence?

    As a Spanish-native, with some understanding of the Portuguese language, it seems to state "...,and, even more, the resolution of organizational issues."

  4. #4
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    Default Re: What is "ainda" in this sentence?

    Hi Vince, you can translate it more or less like:
    Although it seems to be intuitive, the quality of a software is complex, considering the difference between the specified and observed in the software, the emotions of the stakeholders (involved in the project), and even more the resolution of organizational problems.

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