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Hi, Everybody
I would appreciate help with translating the following chat transcript. I have run it through several online translators and cannot fully understand its meaning. Thank you for your help with this matter.
Paulo said: Tenho andado t o cansado que tenho um dia mais livre mas n o consigo descansar
I have walked a lot and I am very tired. I have one more free day and I just can't get any rest.
Joana said: isso k mau..
Oh, that's bad...
Paulo said: Como que aquilo esteve de manh ?
Joana said: fiz manha na ct.??
mas a noite foi ma ??
vou aproveitar a tarde para dormir.. keres vir?
I will sleep all afternoon, would you like to come?
so pra te dar um beijo...
only to give you a kiss
ontem cheiravas tao bem.. so me apetecia estar o resto da noite a tocar-te...
yesterday you smelled so nicely....I wanted to spend the whole night touching you.
Once again, I really appreciate your help with this. Thank you.