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Thread: Please translate

  1. #1
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    Default Please translate

    Can someone please translate this for me...I apologize if the punctuation is off as the periods were used just to mark where new lines started in a conversation.

    This is European Portuguese, not Brazilian.

    Here it is:
    bém se não queres dizer isso é contigo. sér queres s. sér assim então tabém. não sei descobre tu sozinho. bém azar o téu.. e nunca saberas o quanto the aprecio i me importo contigo. aunque até gosto de ti.

    Thanks, all.

  2. #2
    Ali is offline
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    The sentence doesn't have much meaning, but it says:
    If you want to be like this it's ok, descover it by yourself. You will never know how much I care about you, and maybe love you.

  3. #3
    Contributing User Faraó's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please translate

    Quote Originally Posted by fpan08
    Can someone please translate this for me...I apologize if the punctuation is off as the periods were used just to mark where new lines started in a conversation.

    This is European Portuguese, not Brazilian.

    Here it is:
    bém se não queres dizer isso é contigo. sér queres s. sér assim então tabém. não sei descobre tu sozinho. bém azar o téu.. e nunca saberas o quanto the aprecio i me importo contigo. aunque até gosto de ti.

    Thanks, all.
    This can be everything except European Portuguese

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Please translate

    Quote Originally Posted by fpan08
    Can someone please translate this for me...I apologize if the punctuation is off as the periods were used just to mark where new lines started in a conversation.

    This is European Portuguese, not Brazilian.

    Here it is:
    bém se não queres dizer isso é contigo. sér queres s. sér assim então tabém. não sei descobre tu sozinho. bém azar o téu.. e nunca saberas o quanto the aprecio i me importo contigo. aunque até gosto de ti.

    Thanks, all.
    He(she) wrote in a very informal portuguese and with lots of errors. That person must have missed school a lot. There´s also a spanish word in that last sentence (aunque).

    It should be something like this:

    Well, if you don´t want to say, that´s up to you. If you want to be like that, that´s ok. I don´t know, discover it by yourself. well, you´re the one who´s losing. And you´ll never know how much i appreciate you, and care about you. Besides that i like you.

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