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Thread: need help translating portuguese to english

  1. #1
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    Default need help translating portuguese to english

    i met a lady in brazil and she keeps sending me emails but i can't understand them... my portuguese isn't very good, can someone please help me?! Thanks!

    Iiiihh Gordo!!
    Tá na idade do perigo agora heeein?rsrsrsrs
    Como foi a comemoração?Em meio as vacas?rsrsrs.
    Podia voltar àquela sua despirocada de mandar e responder os emails,né?Eu adorei!rsrsrs.Ainda mais agora que estou ansiosa com as novidades!hehe
    Aguardo notícias,heein?
    Ah,tb quero dicas de como levar erva de tereré praí sem ser presa!haiuhauahiuah,já levo um pouco pra vc tb,mas vou cobrar o frete,hein?hehe.Imagina!
    Saudade grande!

    Gordo,agora tô tentando tirar essa
    Linda linda,aposto que vc consegue facinho!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: need help translating portuguese to english

    Hey, chubby! (This is friendly, not an insult.)
    Now you're at the dangerous age, huh? hahahaha
    How was the celebration? Surrounded by cows. hahaha (She could mean "cows" in the literal sense, or she could be talking about "loose women". I think she means it in the literal sense because the usual slang for those ladies would be "galinhas" or "little hens".)
    You could return to that (I don't understand this word - it probably means "habit".) of yours of sending and receiving emails, right? I loved it. (happy face) hahahaha Even more now that I am anxious about the news. Heeheehee I am awaiting news, huh?
    Ah, also I want some hints about how to take térere tea there without getting arrested. hahaha (I assume that you are aware she is referring to cold "chimarrao" tea, known to many Americans better by the Spanish "yerba mate". It's often mistaken for marijuana.) I am already taking some for you too, but I am going to charge freight, huh? Think about that! I miss you a lot. Kisses.

    (There's little doubt the writer is from Southern Brazil, probably Paraná or Santa Catarina. Rio Grande do Sul is a possibility, but I doubt it because of a word she used in a rather odd way. Did the letter come directly from her or was it passed on to you through a male friend? Just curious.)

  3. #3
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    Default Re: need help translating portuguese to english

    Me again.

    I checked with a Carioca friend. She disagrees with me. She says the writer is talking about loose women (sluts) and not cows. In other words, the writer didn't mean "cows" in the literal sense. The Carioca also agreed that the message was in poorly written Portuguese and that it wasn't clear and easily understood. I thought it was just my senility kicking up again.

    I didn't translate last time the two sentences below.

    Gordo,agora tô tentando tirar essa
    Linda linda,aposto que vc consegue facinho!

    The first sentence is slang, but what does it mean? One possible translation (and this is why I didn't say anything in my last post) is "Chubby, I am now trying to f**k that one." Did the writer mean that? Maybe, maybe not. Slang in Brazil varies from region to region. In her milieu it may mean something quite different such as "I am trying now to take that out/away."

    The second sentence says, "Pretty, pretty. I bet you can do it very easily."
    What did the writer mean by "pretty, pretty"? Possibly she was saying that a woman was very pretty. If so, that woman may be the "essa" in the previous sentence.

    I feel badly about not giving you a clearer translation, but the Portuguese in this message sucks. The writer is simply not clear, and she is probably referring to something/someone that both of you know of and she therefore does not feel required to speak in specifics. You could call it "an inside joke".

    Feel free to contact me directly about this at [email protected]

  4. #4
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    Default Re: need help translating portuguese to english

    Depending on the context, "em meio às vacas" may be a way of saying that the person lives in the rural zone, that is, she could be saying that the he is a redneck or something like this, but of course she would be just kidding.

    "Despirocada" is something that one suddenly decides to do in a crazy or frenetic way. In this case, I think that she means "to send and receive e-mails very very often".

    "Imagina", in this case, denies what was said before. It would be something like "just kidding".

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