Yes We Créu is a Brazilian twitter-ers' creation. Yes We Créu refers to Rio de Janeiro being chosen as the host of the 2016 Olympics and is the tweet number one in Twitter righ now. It is the number one trending topic on twitter for some time now.
Some people think that this is a humiliation of President Obama, but they are wrong, it is just a "play on words" in two different languages, English and Portuguese, paraprhasing the "Yes, we can!".
The "créu" word is some offensive Brazilian slang. Kind of like a gangster says "I banged that girl". These are words which would be immediately understood in a funk setting in a Brazilian “favella”. And these are words utterly despised from the Brazilian middle class--and upwards.
Créu means "fuck", a slang meaning sexual intercourse used by MC Créu, a Funk Music singer from Rio de Janeiro. "We créu" also can be interpreted, as in this case: "We got it". Ele foi lá e créu/He went for it and got it. It is an alusion of the Rio de Janeiro being chosen as the host of the 2016 Olympics.
Yes, they créu!