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Thread: Quarks, Translation, DTP...!

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Correct Pre-segmentation

    Ok...do you know what? I switched to using Studio because I had trouble with the old TagEditor, not only because of wrong segmenting the file, but also because many tags disappeared and formatting in the output file was completely disrupted. I realize that pre-segmentation was missing in my own workflow.

    In any case, I'm pasting a screen shot of the editor view in Studio for you to have a comparative point of view. I guess they look somewhat similar. The upside of using Studio is that it seems that there's no need for any pre-segmentation as the application does that automatically when preparing the files for processing.

    Last edited by gentle; 10-28-2015 at 06:38 PM. Reason: picture not showing as expected

  2. #12
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    Default Tag Import

    Hi Gentle
    Here I am again, to resume this challenging comparison

    Well, first off, to round off my "tag export /import process"...
    We had gone so far to prepare the pre segmentation tag.ttx so that it´s ready for translation in Memsource.

    So, you´ll upload it to Memsource, and you´ll easily know if it´s correct or not, because it´s there´s something wrong, you´ll get this "error" message about either having the wrong language pairs, or having the wrong segmentation, etc...

    And from there, you can proceed with the translation, editing, etc....

  3. #13
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    Default Ttx Clean Up

    So, once translation in tag.ttx is ready, you´ll have to "clean" the ttx file.
    Remember you can do it either by cleaning the ttx file with the TM or by just doing "Save Target as...", depending on whether you already have those segments in the TM or not...
    And also make sure you always have the original tag file placed in same directory where the tag.ttx file is.
    You´ll overwright that tag. (I think there´s no real need to have that tag in there, that ttx can produce that tag by cleaning the file, but Im not positive about this)

    So... at the end, you´ll have a translated tag!!! Ready to be imported back into Quark
    Last edited by analaura; 10-30-2015 at 07:30 PM.

  4. #14
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    Default Tag Import!

    And... Tag Import!
    Phew... I´m tired already
    But, we are getting closer!!

    Once with the translated tag, we need to import it into the original Quark file.
    So, you want to open the original Quark file, same one you opened to export that tag.

    And then, you´ll click again in "Copy flow" and you´ll "Flush" the file, yes, you´ll flush all its content and you´ll see how the text is being flushed!!
    Once all the text boxes are clean, you´ll click on Import, and this time, you can go and paste the path where you have the translated tag. You pick it and...

    Magic!! Same way you´ve seen how text was being washed, now you´ll see how translated text starts filling in all of the boxes. And that´s sooo nice to see!

    See screenshot below
    - Flush is step I
    - Import is step II

    Attached Images Attached Images

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Tag Import!

    Now, back to our comparison Memsource vs Studio, Gentle...
    Yes, I´ve noticed we can avoid the pre- segmentation step with Trados Studio, which is really a good thing...
    As for the tags, I think tags in Studio are more clear, at least to me...
    I´ll do a couple of tests, to see how the final output in Quark looks like, and then, we can compare which one looks best, right?

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Tag Import!

    Hi Ana! Just wanted to tell you that I "invested" time trying out the SDLXliff file coming from Studio 2015 and translating it within MemSource's platform.

    Although this workflow adds a few more steps (than processing straight in Studio), it allows you to use team members that do not have Studio yet. Segmentation is well respected (as it comes from the preparation of the TAG file in Studio) and, to my surprise, was almost the same as the one for the SDLXliff in MemSource (I exported a TMX from Studio and imported it in MemSource so that I could easily pretranslate, populate, confirm and block segments.

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Quarks, Translation, DTP...!

    Hi there!

    I´m following you... but Im thinking that whole process, I mean doing this with Studio 2015 and then Memsource, it´s about the same long process or may be even longer, than doing the tag.ttx pre segmentation and work it directly in Memsource...Because if I remember right, your issues with Memsource came up due to the fact of not having done the pre segmentation process complete. Did I understand correctly?
    So, both ways end up being about same long... I think.
    And in terms of tags... If we follow the right segmentation steps we might end up having a similar output... What do you think?

    Anyone else having a different, easier way??

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Quarks, Translation, DTP...!

    Hi everyone...
    I´ve heard of "ex TranslationFilter" for QuarkXPress 2015... Has anyone else heard of this?
    There´s hope at the end of the tunnel?

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Quarks, Translation, DTP...!

    Quote Originally Posted by analaura View Post
    ... but Im thinking that whole process, I mean doing this with Studio 2015 and then Memsource, it´s about the same long process or may be even longer, than doing the tag.ttx pre segmentation and work it directly in Memsource...Because if I remember right, your issues with Memsource came up due to the fact of not having done the pre segmentation process complete. Did I understand correctly?
    That's exactly the point! It's basically pretty similar, but you don't need to remember to be checking boxes as pre-segmentation is done correctly when preparing the SDLXLIFF file.

    By the way, I know a friend of mine have tried that TranslationFilter app, although I don't know if it works for older versions of Quark but for 2015. I'll talk to him and let you know.

  10. #20
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    Default Re: Quarks, Translation, DTP...!

    Hi Gentle
    Yes, Im interested in this "new hope" about the TranslationFilter app. From what I´ve heard -because I haven´t had a chance of trying it myself- you can save your old Quark versions to 2015 and you should be able to use the app... But I might be talking nonsense... If you can check, that would be awesome!

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