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Thread: Quarks, Translation, DTP...!

  1. #1
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    Default Quark, Translation, DTP...!

    Hi Everyone!
    I´ve been re visiting many threads devoted to "Quark"...Oh my...

    There´s whole threads varying from the "exchange" format", to the "export-import" process, to DTP issues!
    I think there´s no other Design Program taking so many posts like Quark has done so far...

    So, my question is which is the best or one of the best translation tools to work Quark without "killing" all of the formatting once translation has taken place...

    I have this feeling that this question might bring up many many other questions!! So, let´s share!!
    Last edited by analaura; 10-21-2015 at 06:41 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Quarks, Translation, DTP...!

    Hi analaura! As you say, there's room for many different topics on Quark. Although I don't see too much of it lately (same as for FrameMaker), it's still an application somewhat alluring to graphic designers, but a pain in the neck for translators!

    Although I claim to be a "heavy" MemSource user lately, I still prefer SDL Studio to deal with Quark. I dare say that MemSource's competitive edge on simplifying tag management turns into a downside for applications with complex formatting and tagging such as FrameMaker or Quark. I know some people have tried a combination of Trados/SDL and MemSource, but I'm not sure how compatible they are. Is there anything special you would like to know?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Quark, Translation, DTP...!

    Hi Gentle
    How you doing?

    It´s funny we always come across in these "easy" posts...
    Well, yeah, I would like to know if someone has been doing anything different from what I do, because even though I try hard, Im still not very happy with the outputs I get when it comes to Quark files.

    I¨ll try to explain basically what I do and then we can compare this with what others do and hopefully we can get a good recipe for Quarks!
    Last edited by analaura; 10-21-2015 at 06:41 PM.

  4. #4
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    Default Export to Tag

    I open the Quark file, and then I go to the Copy Flow tab, then I click in Auto name boxes (It´s HIGHLY IMPORTANT that here you add an easy name, a name that you WILL remember later at the Import stage, for instance "file1"
    Then you cick "ok" and you "Save" the file.
    Once it´s been "Saved", you go to "Export". The annoying part here is that you have to manually look for the path.
    And you will get the "Tag" file, which you´ll use for translation.

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    Last edited by analaura; 10-23-2015 at 06:24 PM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Quarks, Translation, DTP...!

    So nice of you to take time to post all steps with screenshots! Let's go step by step and, in the future, I will know that I have like guidelines in this friendly forum.

    So far, I do the same thing that you do. I suppose you "flush" the Quark file next, don't you?
    Last edited by gentle; 10-23-2015 at 06:41 PM.

  6. #6
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    Default Tag for CAT Tool

    Yes, I think screenshots are the best guidelines, you feel more confident about what you are doing...
    So, once you "Export" the content, you´ll get a "tag" file.
    This "tag" file is what you´ll use for translation in your prefered CAT TOOL.

    The reason why I opened this new thread was that I wanted to know which Cat Tools you guys use for "Tags", because I´d like to hear other ways of doing this

    Once I get the "tag", I open it in Tag Editor, because later on, I´ll use that "tag.ttx" to upload to Memsource.
    Last edited by analaura; 10-23-2015 at 06:37 PM.

  7. #7
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    Default Tag Pre-segmenting

    Now, you have the "tag.ttx" but, you CAN´T upload it to Memsource as is.
    You need to pre-segment the file to make sure:
    - file language pair matches your Memsource settings
    - you won´t have issues when importing translated tag file into Quark

    IMPORTANT NOTE about pre-segmenting: You need to have the box "Segment unknown sentences" checked.

    See highlights in this screenshot:
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Tag for CAT Tool

    I know some friends of mine do it straight in Trados/SDL, whether it be with the TTX for the old TagEditor or an SDLXliff from Studio.

    I personally upgraded Studio to 2015 and tried one project coming from Quark and it went really well. You know that too many tags are somewhat annoying, but nowadays Studio is much more user friendly to manage tags.

    From my perspective, having a clear view of what those tags are all about (what kind of formatting they "command") also helps you place them correctly within the target content. I hope to find some time to capture some screen shots myself so that you understand what I'm talking about.

  9. #9
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    Default Correct Pre-segmentation

    Bonus Track
    To make sure file has been correctly pre-segmented, when you open the ttx file, you´ll see all these "TU" tags, that means you are doing ok, so far

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  10. #10
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    Default Re: Correct Pre-segmentation

    Ok, NOW, you are ok to move on to the translation stage. So, soon, I´ll prepare the next steps so that we can do this in detail and see if we are doing something wrong in the process
    We need to get this right! alltogether

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