Hi Colleagues!
I just wanted to raise the flag on issues introduced by Adobe graphic design applications in localization of content. My goal is for us to compile them and make a list that we may use either as a checklist, when performing QA tasks, or as part of the guidelines for designers to follow when performing their DTP tasks.
I understand these issues may be different depending on the target language. My expertise is mostly based on Romance languages, and I'll kick off by describing a very annoying thing that happened to me when performing a proofreading job on a PDF coming from an InDesign file in Spanish.
CHANGE IN CAPITALIZATION: It seems there is some automated setting in InDesign by which all text following bullets gets capitalized. As few of you may know, RAE rules expressly condemn the use of such capitalization. Bullets should normally start in lower case and be split apart by a semicolon. At first, I blamed the editor who had previously reviewed the bilingual output from the translator. But, to my surprise, his delivery was fine!
Needless to say that, needing to fix that silly mistake is not only frustrating, but also prone to lead you to the overlooking of true errors you should be taking action on.