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Thread: Cuentas por pagar/Acreedores Varios

  1. #1
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    Cool Cuentas por pagar/Acreedores Varios


    I'm translating a company's financial statements and have come across two line items:

    "Cuentas por pagar" and "Acreedores Varios"

    I thought "cuentas por pagar" was accounts payable until I ran across the second term, I was told "acreedores varios" is accounts payable. I'm totally lost they obviously don't mean the same thing since they are two different line items.

    Could someone please shed some light on this.

    Many thanks!!


  2. #2
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    Hi Cyndi
    Cuentas a pagar is "accounts payable"
    Acreedores varios: "sundry creditors"


  3. #3
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    Hellio Cyndi:

    If you take these two terms separately, "cuentas a pagar" is "accounts payable" and "acreedores varios" can be "sundry creditors". The other possibility (the one I usually use in a separate context) is "other payables". If this comes to you in a combination of "cuentas a pagar y acreedores varios", then the combined package would be "accounts payable and accrued liabilities". What country are your F/S from? I live and work in Mexico City.
    If you work a lot with accountants, I suggest buying monolingual material from the AICIPA. Their bookstore is at www.cpa2biz.com. I suggest starting with "Accounting Trends & Techniques", published yearly. I have 10 of them. Most of my clientele is made up of accounting firms. My e-mail is [email protected].
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Richard Cadena

  4. #4
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    para acreedores varios:

    Sundry creditors.

    Para cuentas a pagar:

    Payable Accounts

  5. #5
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    Exclamation Diccionarios Financieros Inglés - Español Gratis y Online

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