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Thread: Proofreading here please

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Default Proofreading here please


    I've finished to translate the following from spanish. I would like to get the opinion from a proofreader about what needs to be corrected. Thanks for your time!

    Start Your Financial Planning Now!
    Your Financial Future Depends On It!

    Financial planning is easier and funny when you make your own plan.

    It doesn’t matter your age never is too soon or too late to make your financial plan, but now undoubtedly is better than later. Our financial planning advice comprehends tools, selected information and resources to guide your steps as you build your financial plan. ¡You just need to start!

    But, what’s the rush? Pay attention please:

    Recent researches have shown that if you are from earth there’s a 99% probability that you lived or will live experiences such as:

    ·your master degree and/or doctorate,
    ·your weeding,
    ·the purchase of your car and/or house,
    ·the dreamed trip,
    ·expecting your baby (or perhaps babies),
    ·your dismissal in the last downsizing,
    ·your business bankruptcy,
    ·the unexpected lawsuit,
    ·the children’s education,
    ·that unfortunate accident,
    ·your divorce,
    ·your widowhood,
    ·your retirement,
    ·caring your elderly parents (who obviously hadn’t a financial plan),
    ·your long illness,
    ·etc, etc, etc
    ·finally your death (this one has a 100% probability).

    Even more interesting is that it has been shown that there is a 100% probability that you will need money to afford those experiences. Therefore and considering these findings, we believe that is prudent to begin your financial planning today. Sarcastic but true, right?

    If the fear arises when you’re thinking about these issues, you are not alone. I was so scared that I didn’t want to get married until achieve financial security. Fortunately I heard about the benefits of financial planning and understood that:
    • financial security is not achieved overnight,
    • is a personal process, and
    • the sooner and better you’re organized the process is shorter
    When we started our family financial planning my bride and I wanted to do it independently to avoid receive biased advices and because being CPAs we thought were able to do it. This decision gave us enough flexibility in our planning but also forced us to research and select tons of information. Anyway, we had to talk to a tax pro and an insurance broker but they were timely advices because we had clear where we wanted to go.

    We enjoyed a lot our financial planning because we dreamed and knew what to make our dreams come true. Now that’s the challenge we live with a lot of faith and hope and because we know that every step we take is worthwhile.

    Now you can do your financial planning with the same tools, information and resources we used. And the best is you’ll learn at the same time that you’re planning your financial success. Ready? Let’s start! :

    Financial planning classes. Don’t miss these classes, the fundamentals are here.

    Ways to earn extra income. It’s sad to realize you don’t have or won’t have enough to reach your goals, but with this information you can find suitable options for you

    Debt management and planning. Let’s face it, we often spend more than we gain, learn to manage and pay your debts instead of being managed by your debts.

    Insurance planning. If you know the risks you run, why don’t transfer them?

    Retirement planning. Living too long is a risk too, and even worse when you outlive your savings

    Investment planning. It feels good having money working for you instead of you working for it. ¡Discover your investor’s profile!

    Tax planning. Optimize and take advantage of your tax obligations.

    Estate planning. Don’t let death or physical disabilities prevent you to make decisions about your finances. ¡Be one step ahead!

    Financial planning resources. Are easy to use and will help you in your financial planning steps.

    Financial planning magazine. Keep up to date with our articles, offers and novelties related to financial planning.

  2. #2
    Contributing User
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    go through it again, there are a lot of things you are going to want to change.

  3. #3
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Hola Raul. Bienvenido al foro. No soy nativa pero trataré de darte algo de ayuda para empezar, sin llegar hasta el final. Otros colegas podrán ayudarte más.

    It doesn’t matter your age; it's never too soon
    Esto lo cambiaría definitivamente. Suena muy español.
    that if you are from earth
    your weeding,
    ¿Quisiste decir "tu boda"? Si es así, entonces wedding
    caring for your elderly parents
    until achieving financial security/ until I achieved
    the fundamentals are here.
    usaría "basics"

    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2007
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaulGG
    Financial planning is easier and funny when you make your own plan.
    This is the first in the long line of glaring mistakes. I would recommend that you sit down with a professional and go over everything carefully, since this could be something that is very important for you.

    Este error es importante y semejantes errores aparecen en el documento con frecuencia. Te aconcejería que hables cara a cara con un profesional para revisar y hablar sobre los distintos temas, ya que se trata de un documento fundamental para tí y tu empresa.


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