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Thread: Es correcta esta traduccion

  1. #1
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    Default Es correcta esta traduccion

    Hi All,
    -------------------- Texto original español -------------------------------
    El sistema de Orden de Producción (OP) tiene como finalidad normalizar el proceso de cotización de los servicios ofrecidos por la empresa a sus clientes, y el registro de los servicios contratados con los clientes. Con esta aplicación se pretende llevar un control de costos de cada uno de los servicios contratados con los clientes, controlando los sigueinets aspectos:
    • El presupuesto de gastos
    • El personal y los insumos requeridos
    Este sistema determina la facturación y la nomina del personal

    --------------- Intento de traducción: ----------------------
    The system of Order Production (OP) aims to standardize the process of listing of the services offered by the company to its customers, and the registration of contracted services with customers. With this application is intended to keep track of costs for each of the services contracted with customers, controlling sigueinets aspects:
    o The expenditure budget
    o Staff and the required inputs
    This system determines the billing and payroll staff

  2. #2
    Senior Member mvictoria's Avatar
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    Default Re: Es correcta esta traduccion

    My two cents:

    Quote Originally Posted by ivelcon
    Hi All,
    -------------------- Texto original español -------------------------------
    El sistema de Orden de Producción (OP) tiene como finalidad normalizar el proceso de cotización de los servicios ofrecidos por la empresa a sus clientes, y el registro de los servicios contratados con los clientes. Con esta aplicación se pretende llevar un control de costos de cada uno de los servicios contratados con los clientes, controlando los sigueinets aspectos:
    • El presupuesto de gastos
    • El personal y los insumos requeridos
    Este sistema determina la facturación y la nomina del personal

    --------------- Intento de traducción: ----------------------
    The system of Order Production (OP) aims to standardize the process of listing of the services offered by the company to its customers, and the registration of contracted services with customers. This application is intended to keep track of costs for each of the services contracted with customers, controlling the following aspects:
    o The expenditure budget
    o the required
    Staff and materials
    This system determines billing and payroll staff

  3. #3
    Registered User pazonova's Avatar
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    Default Re: Es correcta esta traduccion

    I would also be careful with the order of adjectives. Is it a Production Order System? Also, cotización here would be more like giving an estimate, wouldn't it?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Es correcta esta traduccion

    Hola pazonova y mvictoria

    Que les parece?

    "Order Production System(OP) aims to standardize the process of listing of the services offered by the company to its customers, giving an estimate, as well as, the registration of contracted services with customers. This application is intended to keep track of costs for each of the services contracted with customers, controlling the following aspects:
    o The expenditure budget
    o the required Staff and materials
    This system determines billing and payroll staff"

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Es correcta esta traduccion

    -------------------- Texto original español -------------------------------
    El sistema de Orden de Producción (OP) tiene como finalidad normalizar el proceso de cotización de los servicios ofrecidos por la empresa a sus clientes, y el registro de los servicios contratados con los clientes. Con esta aplicación se pretende llevar un control de costos de cada uno de los servicios contratados con los clientes, controlando los sigueinets aspectos:
    El presupuesto de gastos
    El personal y los insumos requeridos
    Este sistema determina la facturación y la nomina del personal

    --------------- Intento de traducción: ----------------------
    The system of Order Production (OP) aims to standardize the process of listing of the services offered by the company to its customers, and the registration of contracted services with customers. With this application is intended to keep track of costs for each of the services contracted with customers, controlling sigueinets aspects:
    o The expenditure budget
    o Staff and the required inputs
    This system determines the billing and payroll staff

    Hi there-

    My mind is a little blurry right now, but I do believe the very last sentence in Spanish is meant to imply that the system (OP) determines the hours billed and the payroll of the staff...it seems OP is an application that keeps track of the services contracted by the clients and how much they are estimated to cost in order to keep a running tab...is this application for a law firm? accounting? What do you think they mean by 'required inputs' as that doesn't really ring a bell for me in English...

    hope I am not confusing you more...

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Es correcta esta traduccion

    Hi Christine, you're right.
    Is an application for a service company. I mean that 'required inputs' is like feedstock. Does that ring a bell with you?...
    Please, be patience with me.. I'm a newbie

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Es correcta esta traduccion


    I would say the correct translation of "Sistema de Orden de Producción" in this context is "Job Costing System".


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