Hi everybody,
I need help to translate a birth certificate containing the above words... any input on that?
Hi everybody,
I need help to translate a birth certificate containing the above words... any input on that?
POdes ir directamente por "that reads" o states that... Pero sin contexto de qué esta hablando es medio dificil.
Joselas tiene razon. Falta contexto. ¿Què tipo de acta es?
yo irìa por " it is recorded in the case file"
Claro, ¿qué sería lo que "se encuentra asentado en el acta"? Si nos das más contexto, te podremos proponer otras sugerencias.
Obviamente, los intentos de Jose y Diego podrían ser válidos en ciertos casos, pero habría que ver este caso en particular.
Hi Vikslen! If none of the above suggestions were useful in your context, I suggest that you copy the whole phrase and your translation attempt so that we can help you.
Good luck!
Hi, it is no need for more information that the given above. "asentar en el acta" means commit into paper, record, registrate. So, you can say " It is commited/registered/recorded in the minutes.
Is it wrong to say "Civil Register"
I have never heard of such an office. If you are referring to the office where weddings are recorded, that office is the County Registrar Recorder. The official in charge of that office is the County Clerk.
See the Los Angeles County Registrar Recorder office to see what is recorder in that office.
Every state could be a little different but the names are somewhat similar. The offices also sometimes change their names over time.
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