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Thread: solvenvia policial

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Default solvenvia policial

    necesito ayuda para la siguiente traduccion, por favor:

    El insfrascrito jefe del deparamento de policia
    hace constar que:
    La persona, quien tramita su solvencia para usos migratorios
    carece de procesos policiales judicializados pendientes
    segun los archivos que hasta esta fecha y para tales efectos, registra esta institucion.

    The appointed/current chief of the police depatment
    certifies that
    the person, whom has requested her solvency(bakground) records for immigration purposes
    lacks any police and judicial (legal) process pending
    according to our records at the present time and to such effect, are filed
    in this institution.

    Esta solvencia de origen Centroamericano. Agradezco cualquier ayuda.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Hola Dogo, si me permites te sugiero estos cambios:

    "The undersigned chief of the police department hereby certifies that
    the person requesting this criminal record certificate is not subject to any pending police and judicial process, according to the current records that for such purposes have been filed in this institution".


    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
    Gordon B. Hinckley

  3. #3
    New Member
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    Thumbs up Gracias, Hebe

    Gracias, Hebe, muy amable de tu parte. Primera ocasion a la que me enfrento a esto de traducir documentos legales. Alguna sugerencia de sitios en el internet, vocabulario o terminologia legal bilingue? Dogo44

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