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Thread: Need help

  1. #1
    New Member Mooncat's Avatar
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    Smile Need help

    I need help transalting the flowing terms. I hope this is the right forum to post . The names and birthdate has been changed for privacy.

    Junta central Electoral

    Extracto de Acta
    LICENCIADO Carlos Rodrigues.
    Certifico que en lor archivos, a mi cargo, existe una acta de matrimonio civil, registrada con el numero 356, Libro 258 Folio 43 del ano 2007, de las cuales se extaren los siguientes datos.

    En la ciudad the Higuey, a los DIESISITES dias del mes de FEBRERO del ano DOS MIL SIETES. Por ante me, DRA, EUNICE SEPULVEDA LEONARDO, Oficial del Estado Civil de Higuey, En El Hotel OCEAN BAVARO, Comparecio el senor Eduardo H. Martinez de Nacinalidad Norteamericana, Nacido el dia DOS del mes de OCTUBRE del ano 1970, Hijo de Maria Martinez Y Ector Martinez, Y de la otra parte Sandra B. Morales De nacionalidad Noteamericana nacida el CINCO del mes de MAYO del ano 1969, Hija de Antonio J. Morales y Juana L. Morales con el objectivo de que los declararan unidos por el vinculo del Matrimonio Civi, y despues de complementadas las formalidades de la ley 345, declare unidos en Matrimonio Civi a Eduardo H. Martinez y Sandra B. Morales.

  2. #2
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    It seems that what you're looking for is not someone to help you translate some terms, but someone to do your work for you.

  3. #3
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Translation

    I'm afraid Hugocar is right.

    In forums you can ask for the meaning of one word or an expression. You should give context in order to choose the correct meaning, but if you need the translation of many sentences, you should go to a translation agency.

  4. #4
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    Default Mooncat -> spanish english translation

    what you have there is a legal translation, and I am more than happy to help you out with that.

    I developed a program that translate any legal document to english language (could be any language)

    Comercial Information
    Last edited by IUS; 05-12-2008 at 05:50 PM.

  5. #5
    Forum User Leslie M's Avatar
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    jmsds I presume you meant I developed a program that translates any legal document into English or to the English language. Translations of other languages are also avaiable.

    usted brega (toma acción)

  6. #6
    IUS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by reminder
    I'm afraid Hugocar is right.

    In forums you can ask for the meaning of one word or an expression. You should give context in order to choose the correct meaning, but if you need the translation of many sentences, you should go to a translation agency.

    They could ask if somebody want to answer... what is not allowed is offer or demand comercial services.

  7. #7
    IUS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooncat
    I need help transalting the flowing terms. I hope this is the right forum to post . The names and birthdate has been changed for privacy.

    Junta central Electoral

    Extracto de Acta
    LICENCIADO Carlos Rodrigues.
    Certifico que en lor archivos, a mi cargo, existe una acta de matrimonio civil, registrada con el numero 356, Libro 258 Folio 43 del ano 2007, de las cuales se extaren los siguientes datos.

    En la ciudad the Higuey, a los DIESISITES dias del mes de FEBRERO del ano DOS MIL SIETES. Por ante me, DRA, EUNICE SEPULVEDA LEONARDO, Oficial del Estado Civil de Higuey, En El Hotel OCEAN BAVARO, Comparecio el senor Eduardo H. Martinez de Nacinalidad Norteamericana, Nacido el dia DOS del mes de OCTUBRE del ano 1970, Hijo de Maria Martinez Y Ector Martinez, Y de la otra parte Sandra B. Morales De nacionalidad Noteamericana nacida el CINCO del mes de MAYO del ano 1969, Hija de Antonio J. Morales y Juana L. Morales con el objectivo de que los declararan unidos por el vinculo del Matrimonio Civi, y despues de complementadas las formalidades de la ley 345, declare unidos en Matrimonio Civi a Eduardo H. Martinez y Sandra B. Morales.
    If you post your own translation it is likely that someone want to correct it.

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