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Thread: como se traduce GENERAR UN DERECHO?

  1. #1
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    Question como se traduce GENERAR UN DERECHO?

    The context is the following:

    5.2. El uso de las instalaciones y del nombre de fantasía “MG…”, en la forma referida en los numerales anteriores, no generará ningún tipo de relación de dependencia entre las partes, ni generará ningún tipo de derecho económico a favor de alguna de las partes.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  2. #2
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: como se traduce GENERAR UN DERECHO?

    no legal rights are created...

  3. #3
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    Default Re: como se traduce GENERAR UN DERECHO?


    Please keep in mind that this board is comprised mostly of professional translators who are here primarily to help one another and not to provide a free translation service.

    Our policy is for requestors to post their translation of the requested matter (without using machine translators such as bablefish)and then anyone who wants to help will do so.

    The translators like to help each other but the idea is that each does his own work...therefore, we need to see that a diligent effort is being made by the poster to do the translation if it is obviously a work effort such as yours.

    Thank you for your cooperation!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: como se traduce GENERAR UN DERECHO?

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente

    Please keep in mind that this board is comprised mostly of professional translators who are here primarily to help one another and not to provide a free translation service.

    Our policy is for requestors to post their translation of the requested matter (without using machine translators such as bablefish)and then anyone who wants to help will do so.

    The translators like to help each other but the idea is that each does his own work...therefore, we need to see that a diligent effort is being made by the poster to do the translation if it is obviously a work effort such as yours.

    Thank you for your cooperation!
    I am sorry If it looks like I am abusing of this form, it is not my intention.
    I am not a translator yet, I am in my first year of study and one day looking for help in the web I found this forum, which has helped me a lot with the translation of a contract I accepted to do for next friday.
    I do not want the translation of the whole paragraph, just need some help in some specific phrases which are difficult to find a meaning in a dictionary.
    I will post my translation though I'm afraid it may sound "spanglish" many times..

  5. #5
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    Default Re: como se traduce GENERAR UN DERECHO?

    Quote Originally Posted by CECIYJUANI
    I am sorry If it looks like I am abusing of this form, it is not my intention.
    I am not a translator yet, I am in my first year of study and one day looking for help in the web I found this forum, which has helped me a lot with the translation of a contract I accepted to do for next friday.
    I do not want the translation of the whole paragraph, just need some help in some specific phrases which are difficult to find a meaning in a dictionary.
    I will post my translation though I'm afraid it may sound "spanglish" many times..

    Let's not say you are abusing the forum Ceci. Let's just say that you are new and that we want to help you learn. OK?

    It doesn't matter if it is Spanglish...just give it your best translation and we will try to help. Remember also that the translators sometimes need the whole sentence in order to understand the correct context.

    Best of luck in your studies and work!!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Guadalupe's Avatar
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    Default Re: como se traduce GENERAR UN DERECHO?

    Vicente, I couldn't agree more!

    Ceci, Here we all want to help --that's the chief purpose of this forum. However, if we give you the solutions, you are not learning. Therefore, in this case, I will suggest some websites with samples which may be useful for this translation:

    You may find others, too!

    There are many legal forms here: http://www.lectlaw.com/formb.htm

    Get profit from the Internet! Although you cannot trust all the sites, there's a lot of interesting material on the Web. So, try to read as many documents on the subject you are dealing with. By these means, you will acquire the necessary vocabulary and structures. Compare the differences in both languages, find similar structures or ideas in documents of the same nature...

    Hope you find it useful!
    Last edited by Guadalupe; 08-11-2008 at 07:07 PM.

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