I can hardly think of phrase in english to translate this...
“La Arrendadora” deberá prestar su servicio con eficiencia, empleando para ello la diligencia de un buen padre de familia.------------?????
help highly appreciated!
I can hardly think of phrase in english to translate this...
“La Arrendadora” deberá prestar su servicio con eficiencia, empleando para ello la diligencia de un buen padre de familia.------------?????
help highly appreciated!
Ceci, tu intento primero.
“The Lessor” should provide the service efficiently, acting with diligence like a head of family would act".
I feel this is a literal translation, and do not know what it is the phrase in english, nor were to find it..
I do not want to take your time, maybe u could just help me suggesting another website to find it..
Sorry to bug.
Mi sugerencia es que primero trates de investigar un poco el término "diligencia de un buen padre de familia" y una vez que tengas en claro a que refiere exactamente busques la traducción.
Acá va una ayudita:
La noción de culpa ha sido tradicionalmente asociada a la falta del debido cuidado o diligencia (20). Hace referencia al comportamiento del buen padre de familia, que corresponde a la diligencia, cuidado, prudencia, previsión que habría observado una persona media, colocada en la misma situación en que se encuentra el deudor
Y con respecto a la tradux investiga que es "due care"...
Espero haberte ayudado!!![]()
Thanks a lot for your help! I would never have found the answer with this help, because literally "buen padre de familia" and "due diligence/care" are very difficult to conect if you do not know the translation.
I found this definition:
What is due diligence?
Most legal definitions of due diligence say something like "due diligence is a measure of prudence, activity, or assiduity, as is properly to be expected from, and ordinarily exercised by, a reasonable and prudent person under the particular circumstances; not measured by any absolute standard but depends on the relative facts of the special case."
Would it be ok then to say:
6.2. “The Lessor” should provide the service efficiently, acting with due diligence.
6.2. “La Arrendadora” deberá prestar su servicio con eficiencia, empleando para ello la diligencia de un buen padre de familia.------------
I agree with your translation , however I would suggest you use shall instead of should in lehal context.Originally Posted by CECIYJUANI
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