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Thread: migratorias

  1. #1
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    Default migratorias

    Hola foreros,

    ¿Me podrían ayudar a traducir lo siguiente, por favor?

    ...actuar en su nombre ante las autoridades migratorias en este país para la emisión del pasaporte, y demás trámites administrativos, judiciales, migratorios, reservándose o no su ejercicio.

    Mi intento sería:

    ... to act in her behalf before the migratory authorities of this Country for the passport issuance, and all other administrative, judicial, and migratory procedures, reserving or not its exercise.

    De antemano les agradezco su ayuda,
    Last edited by lole; 08-16-2008 at 05:00 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: migratorias

    Quote Originally Posted by lole
    Hola foreros,

    ¿Me podrían ayudar a traducir lo siguiente, por favor?

    ...actuar en su nombre ante las autoridades migratorias en este país para la emisión del pasaporte, y demás trámites administrativos, judiciales, migratorios, reservándose o no su ejercicio.

    Mi intento sería:

    ... to act in her behalf before the migratory authorities of this Country for the passport issuance, and all other administrative, judicial, and migratory procedures, reserving or not its exercise.

    De antemano les agradezco su ayuda,
    I hope this helps you:

    ...to act on her behalf before the immigration authorities of this country for the issue of a passport and all other administrative, judicial and immigration processes and to reserve the right to exercise this power.

    "...reservandose o no su ejercicio..." needs more context, I'm just guessing that it refers to the power to act on behalf of/represent the client.

    If you want to put more context we may even change the phrase.

    Please mind that 'country' in this context is not capitalized and that the only comma comes after 'administrative'.



  3. #3
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    Default Re: migratorias

    Thanks a lot Isabel, with your help is more than enough to understand my mistakes...

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: migratorias

    I suggest using "immigration" authorities instead of migratory authorities. The term is more commonly used in English.

    Edit: Sorry! I now see that you did that Isabel.
    Last edited by vicente; 08-18-2008 at 03:23 AM.

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