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seria esto un Joint venture? como lo traducirian ... Gracias
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Necesito ayuda para traducir lo siguiente
seria esto un Joint venture? como lo traducirian ... Gracias
How about private agreement on joint proposal?Quote:
Originally Posted by cgalo2000
Muchoo depende de la naturaleza de la propuesta, pero no necesariamente tiene que ser un joint venture
Saludos :)
puede ser joint venture o joint proposal, depende del contexto... ??
Context is needed!
Otherwise, I agree with Hebe, “private agreement on a joint proposal” would convey the idea of “convenio privado de propuesta conjunta”, which *might* be a joint venture, but not necessarily.
I have copied below two occurrences of the phrase “agreement on a joint proposal”; the first one (“teaming”) is related to a joint venture, but the second one clearly is not:
<<teaming. [DSMC] An agreement of two or more firms to form a partnership or joint venture to act as a potential prime contractor; or an agreement by a potential prime contractor to act as a subcontractor under a specified acquisition program; or an agreement for a joint proposal resulting from a normal prime contractor-subcontractor, licensee-licenser, or leader company relationship.
Agreement on a joint proposal could not be agreed at the most recent of the Working Party which took place on 11th September 2006. There are not further meetings that have been arranged at this time before the NJC meets on 29th September 2006.
Un saludo cordial.
Manuel Cedeño Berrueta
Traductor Público / Certified Legal Translator
Caracas, Venezuela
[email protected]
[email protected]
Estoy de acuerdo totalmente. Haría falta un poco más de contexto.
Gracias a todos por su ayuda ... Buen dia:) :D